Maryland Babies

Alexander Robert is here

I'm finally getting a free minute to post.  Alexander Robert was born on January 2, 2013 at 9:39pm.  He weighed 5lbs 11oz and 18.5 inches.  I started having contracts on Saturday the 29th and when they were 5-1-1 we headed to the hospital.  I was checked and only 1cm dilated and only 70% effaced but the contractions were coming fast and were getting more painful.  We decided to walk the halls to see if that would progress the labor but unfortunately it didn't.  The OB told us that they would not give me Pitocin to induce the labor since I wasn't 39 weeks yet (hospital policy) so I could either get a shot to stop the labor or continue to labor to see if the contractions would become effective.  We decided to let nature take its course and we went home to continue to labor.  Sunday morning rolled around and I was not getting any relief so we headed back to the hospital.  I hadn't made any progress so I got the shot to stop the labor.  

It worked great and we were able to enjoy NYE (at home) and DH's birthday (1/1).  We went to dinner for DH's birthday and towards the end of dinner the contractions started again.  By that night they were 3 minutes apart and very painful.  We headed to the hospital yet again only to find out I was only 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced.   Back home we went.  At this point I was so exhausted but unable to sleep.  We called the hospital and told them we wanted to come back to be checked and if there was no progress I wanted the shot again.  

We got to the hospital and I hadn't made any progress.  The OB decided to check my fluid levels to be on the safe side and sure enough my fluid levels were low.  We were given the option of either having a repeat C-section or be induced.  We decided to be induced.

The Pitocin really knocked me on my a**.  I ended up getting the epidural at 7cm.  I ultimately was not making any more progress so I had to have another C-section.  Initially,  I was disappointed that I wasn't able to have a VBAC but I'm just so excited that Alex is here and healthy that I really don't care how he got here. 

I haven't gotten a chance to upload all our pictures yet so I'll have to post one later.

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