Two Under 2

Double stroller vs. two ind. strollers

Which is better? I hardly ever take both of them out by myself so, so far I haven't needed a double. We bought a jeep double stroller and hate it so we are looking into either getting a combi side by side or two ind. umbrella strollers. I don't want to invest in a combi (that's a lot of money for us) if we aren't ever going to use it, but I also don't want to need one and not have one. Ideas or suggestions?
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Re: Double stroller vs. two ind. strollers

  • I bought really cheap umbrella strollers and links that hook them together.  The umbrella strollers are really crappy so my kids aren't that comfortable in them, but it could work for you if you get nicer umbrellas.  I use my double a lot though.
  • We have a side by side double, but I definitely think we could have survived without it. We also have 2 umbrella strollers and we use them whenever I have my DH with me. 

    What if you worn one kid then pushed the other in a stroller you may already have.

    Another option is buy the combo used on Craigslist. I got one used for $100 in excellent condition. It's currently in my garage to be sold in the spring. Craigslist is a great option!  

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