Vbac after 2 c/s

Hi all! I have been hanging out around here for a while, but haven't posted anything. I am currently 11 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child. I have 2 daughters, both born via csection. Dd1 was csection due to fetal distress, dd2 was a repeat just because I felt it best at the time. So I had my first prenatal appointment yesterday and the doctor asked if I wanted to do a vbac. I asked if I could even do that considering have the 2 sections already. Her response "of course you can. Why wouldn't you?" I used a different clinic with both my other pregnancies and was told then if I had anymore kids after 2 I would HAVE to have another section. Anyway, my question is has anyone heard of this? I don't think I will try vbac this time as it will be my last pregnancy and I want my tubes tied so the doc said I might as well have another csection. But again, just wondering if anyone has heard of this or if anyone has had a succesful vbac after 2 previous csections. Maybe I wi change my mind!

Re: Vbac after 2 c/s

  • I've heard of quite a few women who have had VBA2C, though I only have VBAC experience myself. What I can say is that my VBAC recovery was infinitely better than my c section recovery, and even the uncertainty, the tearing, all of it was so worth it in hindsight.

    Furthermore, having a c section is highly invasive, and though I don't know much about what its like to have a tubal, it does seem significantly less invasive and thus an easier recovery than having a c section to recover from on top of that.

    I see where you're coming from though, and good luck with whatever you decide.
    daughter born June 2011 via C-Section, son born November 2012 via VBAC
  • Thank you for your insight! I've got about 7 months to educate myself and make the best decision for me. I hope more ladies can give their input and experience!
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  • ACOG recommends that women be given a TOLAC even after 2 C/S, but not all doctors will do it.  Then again, not all doctors will attempt VBACs period. :shrug: 

    I say do your research and do what you're most comfortable with.  For me, I would always opt for the VBAC unless there are extenuating circumstances, but that's me.  I would also look into the tubal thing, but like PP said, I can't imagine that it would be as invasive as a C/S if you decide to do a VBAC and then still want to move forward with a tubal.

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  • I actually just had a successful vba2c on Monday 12/31. I would 100 recommend that you at least have a trial of labor.
    I'll link my blog to this board when I get a chance, hopefully in the next few days.
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  • At least 3  of the moms in my local ICAN chapter have had successful VBA2C's. :) There are probably more I just don't know about. I think it's pretty awesome! One of them shared her birth story and it was amazing. She had her baby at the hospital, and with the help of a doula had a completely natural vaginal delivery.
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  • Thank you all! I'm going to continue my research and educating myself!
  • As long as my baby girl decides to come on her own before next thursday 1/17 I am attempting to do a vbac2 :)  I am really hoping she comes on her own, but if not I'm ok with that too.  I know alot of dr's won't even let someone attempt to do a vbac after 2.  I had to beg to try!  I have the c/s scheduled b/c my dr will not induce after a c/s because of the risk of uterine rupture.  
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  • imageKetchumCutie:
    I am just about full term and I am trying a VBAC after 2 C/S. I'll try to remember to post something about the experience afterwards. I do have a back up plan of a c/s scheduled for 3 days after my due date, so if I make it that far I wont have any advice :)

    I wish you the best of luck! When ever you have the time please let us know what happens! Congrats on your new baby! Big Smile

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