
rolling onto belly at night!

My ds just did this last night. ?What do I do now? anything? ?They are not really swaddled anymore, but we put their arms out and just cinch it around their tummies for warmth. ?Do i need to freak and flip him or just let him roll around? ?Does this mean i need to put them in separate cribs now?!

Re: rolling onto belly at night!

  • I researched this when my girls started rolling onto their bellies at night and the advice from all the SIDS groups is to just keep putting them down on their back, but to allow them to stay on their bellies if they get there on their own.

    My girls were already in seperate cribs when they started rolling, but I don't think there is any reason to seperate them for this unless the roller is waking up his twin.

  • Mine are already in seperate cribs but when they start to roll over I am just going to let them stay that way.  I would seperate them if they did co-sleep because of fear that they would wake eachother up.
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  • I have heard that when they start rolling over, you should separate them due to safety concerns (one could roll over on top of the other one).  I always just left DD on her stomach when she put herself that way- problem was that she often woke up because she wanted to be back on her back and couldn't get there!  :-)
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