Baby Names

MN for Ava??

DH and I have been throwing names around more for this LO and  he prefers Ava for a girl. I'm having trouble with middle names as our last name is Smith. He likes Ava Lynn but I think this is to short and I really don't care for the lee/lynn/marie/ann trend of the 80's that myself and my sisters are stuck with... 

 I am super open to suggestions!

A few of the middle names I've run across that I like are:

Ilene (DH's grandma's name - he's unsure of using family names since we didn't with DS)



Brynn/ Brinley




Mina / Mila (another family name on DH's other side)

Caroline/Carolyn/Carolanne (another family name on my side) 


TTC #1 since 10/09: Dx:unexplained anovulation Cycle #1 8-9/10:Femara + TI = BFN Cycle #2 10/10:Femara + TI = BFP 10/19 - blighted ovum 11/3 Rest for 11/10 and 12/10 Cycle #3 1/11 BFP 1/29! Beta #1 = 175, Beta #2 = 498!! First u/s 2/14 showed heartbeat of 100bpm! EDD of 10/8/11 Adrian Cooper born 9/10/11 @ 36 weeks Trying for #2 10/12 BFP 11/1/12 - due about 7/12/13! First u/s 11/16 showed heartbeat Second u/s 11/27 showed heartbeat of 150bpm! EDD of 7/12/13 Help us narrow down our ever expanding name list! VOTE on my Name List BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: MN for Ava??

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