Mason Donald or Luke Donald for a boy and Bethany Dawn or Marian(n)a Dawn for a girl.
MN is nonnegotiable, it was my dad's name and he passed away last year. Not my favorite name but way more important to me to honor him. My DD1 is HE!! bent on Marianna for a girl so I have promised her it is in the running!
Also, how do they work with my DDs Lila Jean and Elena Marie?
DD1 7/10/08 DD2 8/11/10 DS 7/2/13
Re: WDYT of these names?
I want to say McDonald for some reason when I see Mason Donald. I do like Luke but I prefer Lucas with nn Luke.
The girl names are nms but they are good names. I'd choose Bethany over Marianna though.
I like Mason Donald. I would use Lucas Donald with nn Luke if you choose this one.
Not crazy about either girl's name. Dawn as a mn is fine, but not crazy about either fn.
I like Luke better than Mason.
I think Marianna is a great style match with Lila and Elena. Bethany is a fine name, but it has a completely different set of sounds from Lila and Elena, so it sounds a little out of place.
Baby Name Popularity by State
Definitely Luke over Mason for me, but I'm debating which of the girls names. I think Marianna because of your girls.
Anna Catherine 7/23/2012, 35 weeks 5 days, 5 lbs 5 oz (PProm)
Baby Sam 10/4/2013, 36 weeks 2 days, 5 lbs 14 oz
Great boy names.
I like Bethany. I would do Marian before I would use Marianna.