Baby Names

Apparently Iceland super strict on names

I read this artical today and thought I should share with you guys.

I can not image the goverment telling me I had to choose from a list of less then 1900 names for my baby boy or girl based on gender. I hope this poor girl wins.

Re: Apparently Iceland super strict on names

  • Considering some of the awful, potentially damaging names parents are choosing for their children, I'm not necessarily opposed to this.  As long as there really is that long of a list of names available, that seems like enough options.
    Due with DS2 on March 15, 2013! PLEASE vote on my list!
  • I'd be kinda pissed if they had this control over what I name my child.
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  • I heard about this. I think it's a little too much control.
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  • Am i alone here? A "little" too much control? Ummmm.... the minute my government tells me my options on naming my child I tell them to suck it and get citizenship elsewhere.

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  • imagenykkybaby:
    Am i alone here? A "little" too much control? Ummmm.... the minute my government tells me my options on naming my child I tell them to suck it and get citizenship elsewhere.

    Chill. I was being somewhat sarcastic. I obviously don't agree with the policy.

    ETA:...also gaining citizenship into other countries can be quite difficult. So I imagine most of the people in Iceland can't really afford to do such a thing.

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