Cloth Diapering

Diapering a tiny newborn

My DD ended up being much smaller than we expected, she's 19.5 inches long but was only 5lbs12oz when she was born and dropped down to 5lbs4oz. For our newborn stash we had mostly NB workhorses with thirsties xs and size 1 covers which I can't get small enough to go below her umbilical stump so we have her in disposables still waiting for her stump to fall off. I have 4 lil Joeys that are small enough to go under the stump but as tiny as they are they still look huge on her and they gap around her tiny leggs. At this point I'm not sure I can convince MH to let me get any other newborn diapers, I think he's pretty set on lets just keep with the disposables until her stump falls off and then see if hopefully we can use what we have but I know we both hate how expensive the disposables are and after all the terrible things I told him about the chemicals in disposable diapers we're both dying to get her into some cloth.

So if you had a tiny baby what diapers did you find worked best for your lo? She's so tiny that everyone thinks she's a premie tho she was born at 38w2d and is fairly long just really thin especially her legs.

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