Ahhh I'm still stuck in IN and I need out. SO. MUCH. SNOW. And no internet, anywhere...I didn't know that was even legal?!?!
Anyways, I got a sewing machine for Christmas and my grams is going to help me with some little projects so I can learn before I head back to sunshine and warmth.
I bought some Warm and Natural cotton batting bc....I don't know. I think I read somewhere I could use it to make doublers? Like sandwich it between flannel. But then I read that it would need to be quilted?!
Anyone use this for doublers or anything diaper related?
I also bought like 12 100% wool sweaters from Goodwill for 20$ to make some covers. Do I have to use a wool wash on them? I washed them on high heat with RnG and dried on high heat to shrink them up. And then I'm going to lanolize them. Any tips on making wool covers? Anything I should know?
Thanks all! I miss sitting on here all day reading about CDs One day I will get back to the modern world and have internet access!
Re: Save me!
We will all be patiently waiting for you to return.
I haven't used batting in any of my inserts, but I did find that my cotton inserts were never as absorbent or trim as inserts I make out of hemp or bamboo.
Here's a popular pattern I found to make a wool soaker out of: https://katrinassqs.blogspot.com/2007/10/free-soaker-pattern.html
I haven't made or tested it yet, my first wool is a wool wrap, and I've got some longies that are cut and waiting to be sewn, but it looks promising.
Have fun! Sewing machines are amazing and... addictive. I'm going through withdrawal from mine being broken right now (well it's technically fixed now, but still not working 100%), and counting down the days until I can buy a new one.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.