
vent: Bummed about DSs Helmet

My DS has had a helmet for two weeks now, and he HATES it.  I thought if I didn't act like it was a big deal then he wouldn't care either. 

 Last week he developed a bad scab/open wound from rubbing (he thrashes his head around at nap time), so we had to leave the helmet off for about 5 days.  He was like a different baby.  He was happy, and played alone on the floor forever.  He was his usual self but better.  It was apparent that he knew the difference. 

We finally started it back yesterday, and he's back to fussing and crying all day.  And nap time is frustrating, though it doesn't take as long to get him down as the first week.  He just doesn't sleep as long as he does w/o it. Then at night he crashes out from fighting it all day (he wears it 23 hrs a day), and still STTN at least.

I just feel so horrible for him!  He definitely needs it and I don't want to give in and take it off because he fusses, but if I have to have 3 more months of this I'm goign to lose my mind, and I worry he will too.  He almost seems depressed with it on.  Thanks for letting me vent.

Re: vent: Bummed about DSs Helmet

  • Poor baby!  I don't have any advice but you have my sympathies!  Do you think maybe the helmet is not fitting correctly?

  • Thanks, hopefully he gets used to it soon! 

    I wondered that, but the specialist said that babies with his type of plagiocephaly have the most problems with sores because their head initially only touches the helmet in two places.  (it is meant to grow into the shape of the helmet, and is custom made for his head)


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  • I see what you are saying about the helmet touching in two places.  I guess he will just have to get used to it.  Here's to hoping the time flies!!
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