Ok, I am really not trying to vent- but does anyone out there feel like their mother is taking over their baby?? We have never been a really "close" mom and daughter but now that I have a baby she calls/texts multiple times per day, and I'm pretty sure she thinks my son is hers. So to the point..... (sorry) last night we went to dinner and she was cutting up fruit for my 21 month old, took out a steak knife, and let him hold it with her to help her cut the fruit up..... So of course I said that I really do not want him to hold a knife, she was really rude and did it 2 more times before i told her firmly to stop. She actually argued with me that anytime they show him something like this he is always supervised...>!!!! what? maybe its me but I do not think any child should help cut up fruit- or anything else supervised or not!
Re: grandmom is taking over
When she gave your kid the knife a second time, that was when you should have told her that bc she wasn't listening and respecting your role as a parent, picked up your daughter, paid, and left.
You don't need to respond to calls or texts. I wouldn't leave your child with her, since she doesn't listen.
And also let him help cut up stuff if I'm holding it too. So nbd in my opinion, I'd be mad about her not listening to your wishes
This. I don't see the big deal about it. I also let things roll off my back and don't get to bent out of shape about stuff. Now if she just gave him the knife and was letting him run around the diner with it I would say something. Sounds like she was just showing him how to "cut" things and was watching him and you were watching too. sounds like a no biggie to me.
I also talk to my mom many times a day, sometimes 3-4 times. So I am probably biased.
“I’d marry again if I found a man who had $15 million and would sign over half of it to me before the marriage and guarantee he’d be dead in a year.” - Bette Davis
Her not listening to you is definitely an issue and on that, I'm 100% w/ you.
But when SHOULD a child learn to cut? And how? If you feel 21 months is too young, that's fine. But at some point this is actually a skill you'll need to start teaching your child. DS just turned 4. We've easily been working on this concept for the past year and we have a friend who developed child friendly "knives" specifically so that you can teach them to cut and let them cut on their own safely.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
I let DS cut too, and talk to my mom a lot as well. But OP isn't close to her mom and seems upset. She could be over reacting or not being clear that something bugs her, but her mom should still respect a "mom, don't do that."
I think you need to put your foot down as well. My moms and I are close but I have had to do this with them a few times. Sometimes I think whenparents become grandparents they forget what being a parent was like haha.
But seriously You shouldn't have to ask her to not do something more than once and she should respect you enough as mom to not argue back.
for the record I help penny cut her food and let her hold the knife (while I am also holding it) and we started around 19-20 months. but again it's up to you when your ready to start teaching this skill not your mom.
All this exactly. Your child. Your rules. If she can't respect your wishes she doesn't need to see your child. Your kid will pick up on the lack of respect and it won't turn out well.
oh no I think we all totally get it wasn't so much about the helping him cut and use the knife as it was about the lack of repect she is showing you. Honestly like we have said you need to put your foot down. Your kid your rules.
It's not worth getting upset. Just say, "Thank you so much! This will be so helpful when it's time to potty train."
No discussion needed. If she tries to push you to pt, then say you and your DH will decide when it is time.
Her buying you a potty chair doesn't mean anything. It's an early gift but not something to be upset about. If she tried to PT behind your back, that would be irritating.
Why is he over there unsupervised if you don't trust them to listen and keep him safe?
Sitting on the potty won't hurt him, but I wouldn't leave my kid with someone who didn't try and follow my rules.
Don't leave him with her.
Woah.... I can't even fathom the fresh hell my daughter
would let loose on me if I acted like that.
Nip her in the bud...now!
A Grandmom
"Mom, I love you. And I love that you love DS. I know you did a good job raising me, but now I'm a mom myself. DS is my child, and DH and I will make decisions for him. I need you to respect the decisions we make, and not argue or ignore my choices. I want you to be a big part of his life, and don't want limit contact because you keep undermining me."
But you need to back it up. Pretty words don't make things better. If you tell her not to bring out the potty chair till you say, and she does anyway, are you prepared to stop letting her watch DS for awhile?
How often is he over there? If she is your daycare, this is more complicated.