
Miss me?!

Hey ladies!  What's up?

I'm coming down off of my Donnie high today --- I think it might take some time though.

So enjoy the new sig and I'll be sure to bring Joey and Cam back soon (after all, I have to take their Christmas pics soon)!  :)

Re: Miss me?!

  • i'm pretty sure in that picture he's saying "Jodi...come here...jump in my arms."  Right???

    I miss can't leave.

  • Oh yea, I'm sure that's what he's saying.

    I'm depressed today --- here's why (and I can't believe I'm sharing this picture because it absolutely freaking DISGUSTS me!  Like, I want to go purge right now -- that's how disgusted I am!) 

    Here goes ---


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  • Hi Jodi! Of course we missed you.... I even saw some post asking where you were! :)
  • JODI MIDDLENAME WHATEVERYOURLASTNAMEIS! (yes, that's me yelling at you using your whole name in my best mad mom voice).  Quit it!  Whenever you talk about yourself i envision my pedi's wonderful nurse.  She's awesome but looks like a female Patrick Swayze.  You do not look like that!  And yes we do miss you!!

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • You look great, you look like you had a good time! What's the problem?????????

     We missed you!

  • ok...that picture is NOT's just a terrible angle...add to the fact that you are sitting down, and there's the lighting.  Seriously. 

    A. I like that shirt...its my fav. shade of green.

    B.  I hate all pictures of myself....let me see if I can find an unflattering one of me...I am rarely in front of a camera though.

    C. You are WORKING on it...sure you aren't where you want to be...but that picture will give you motivation to move forward and keep the goal....Jump back on the workout wagon today.  Keep that picture for a year from now when you can show the "before" and "after".  Seriously!  Don't be down on yourself!

    I get it...seriously.  I'm the same size as you.  I avoid looking at myself in mirrors.  Seeing pictures of myself makes it "real" and I don't like that reality slap in the face! 

    Don't be depressed!!!!!

  • R - I'm hoping that by posting it, it will remind me that I do NOT want to look like that. I have reverse body dysmorphic disorder --- I forget that I'm that big until I see a picture of myself.  Or catch a glance of me sitting in the mirror.

    While standing, I can at least make some of the rolls disappear.


    I AM doing something about it though.  I am just feeling impatient the last two days.  And honestly, I drank on Saturday night and I am beginning to realize that drinking just does NOT help my mood.  At all.  I'm depressed for a couple of days after getting a buzz -- need to stop that.  I did work out Friday and Saturday (hard!) and will again tonight.  I gave myself yesterday --- although I did break a sweat cleaning the house since I did a pretty rigorous cleaning.

  • I couldn't even find a picture of myself because I don't upload them onto bad is that.  My kids will not have ANY pictures of themselves with me when they are older.  SAD!!!!

    i'm the same as you...I feel like an average to chunky sized person until I see a picture and realize I'm obese.

    Keep up the good work!!!  it WILL pay off!

  • I'm not "chunky" and I Hate pictures of myself lately, you are not alone!
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