Baby Names

Parker or Carter CP

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Re: Parker or Carter CP

  • I did it! Hahaha...I'm pretty sure DH is concerned by my giddy behavior...
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Praise Jeebus!!!!  I'm practically doing a happy dance over here!  

    For a boy, right?  I actually prefer Carter but I like Parker a lot too.

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  • Yay! I like them both, but prefer Carter. 
  • imageaustenreader85:

    Praise Jeebus!!!!  I'm practically doing a happy dance over here!  

    For a boy, right?  I actually prefer Carter but I like Parker a lot too.

    Yup for a boy. I know that Parker is sometimes used girls but I prefer it for a boy.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageZimger:

    Praise Jeebus!!!!  I'm practically doing a happy dance over here!  

    For a boy, right?  I actually prefer Carter but I like Parker a lot too.

    Yup for a boy. I know that Parker is sometimes used girls but I prefer it for a boy.

    Me too.  I've known a girl Carter too.  I was just going to have to slap you if you said for a girl though, lol.

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  • I love Carter!!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • imageaustenreader85:

    Praise Jeebus!!!!  I'm practically doing a happy dance over here!  

    For a boy, right?  I actually prefer Carter but I like Parker a lot too.

    Yup for a boy. I know that Parker is sometimes used girls but I prefer it for a boy.


    Me too.  I've known a girl Carter too.  I was just going to have to slap you if you said for a girl though, lol.

    Haha! If I ever suggest such a thing I hope you do!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I like both, but I don't hear Parker often so that got my vote.
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  • Big Smile

    I prefer Carter.

  • Thanks for the feedback and for voting on the CP!

    We are going to keep both on our list for now. I think DH prefers Parker but we'll see.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I have a Carter, so I obviously voted for that :)  

    Lilypie - (JzKZ) Lilypie - (DgGJ)

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