
Baby and DH sick :(

OH my what a night I have had.  DH has been vomitting all night and my poor little guy is sick too keeping me up all night. We aren't sure if he has the same thing as DH or if it is some kind of cold or something.  He has a bit of a stuffy nose but he doesn't want to eat much and after he does he screams in pain and then will throw up some milk with a lot of mucus and phlem.  I don't know if his throat hurts or his stomach or what, poor baby.  He doesn't have a fever at all and he seems a bit better this morning and is relaxed enough to sleep in the swing.  I don't think the doctor could tell me anything I don't know to do already but since he is so little still (6weeks) should I take him to the doc?  

Re: Baby and DH sick :(

  • I feel for you, my DH, DD and I all just got over the same thing. If it's the same as us, your DH will probably feel pretty crappy today but be mostly better by tomorrow. Our DD had diarrhea for a few days but felt fine except for one in which she was really tired. The biggest thing is dehydration with the little ones.


    I would absolutely call the pedi since your son is so young. I'm sure he'll be fine, but he's so tiny I wouldn't mess around - see if the pedi wants to see him and it would make me feel better to have a second opinion. Keep an eye on wet diapers and also on tear production. If he stops making tears when he cries or stops having wet diapers it may be an emergency.

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