
Top 3 Things Packed for C-Section

I'm having my 2nd C-Section scheduled for the first week of February.  My first child's birth was an emergency C-Section and was 5 1/2 years ago.  

Looking for a refresher on what everyone thinks are their top 3 things that they packed for theirs.  Thanks!! :) 

Re: Top 3 Things Packed for C-Section

  • High waisted pants and underpants!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Granny Panties

    Capri yoga pants

    water bottles ( they only offered water in a cup from a fountain) 

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  • My C-sections were 11 and 5.5 years ago, so I am also a little fuzzy. 

    My top 3 would be my own pillow, yoga pants (my non-maternity Old Navy ones with fold down/up waist) and my phone/kindle charger.

    The granny panties are important to have at home, but I will use the mesh ones at the hospital.

    Almost making the list was my shampoo/conditioner so I can feel human after that first shower and a hoodie or cardigan to wear over the hospital gown (I choose to wear those day 1 and 2 so I am not bleeding on my stuff, they can keep checking me out easily and easy access for BFing). 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My own clothes/underwear. 

    My own pads. I don't like the underwear or pads the hospital has.

    My phone & charger  

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  • chap stick

    humidifier (yes I brought one the second time. The hospital is really dry and it helped keep me from having a dry cough which hurt.)

    cell phone charger

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  • Boppy, water bottle, and granny panties!
  • My own pillow


    Fuzzy socks 

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  • My laptop/Chargers
    good comfy pant to go home in

    I used the mesh undies and their pads just b/c I didn't want to ruin mine and it's only a few days, so it's really not that big of a deal.  I didn't need water bottles, the hospitals here give you a nice cup to drink out of and they like you to drink out of them to keep up with your fluid intake.

    Oh also a nice hand pump might be nice.  I know I could have used one last time, so I packed it this time around.   

    Pregnancy Ticker image image image
  • Fuzzy socks

    Hair ties

    Outfit for baby 


  • My own pillow

    A robe

    comfy pants that aren't pre-preg!

    I did not have any of these items the last time and this time I will be sure to bring them!

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  • Yoga pants


    olay daily facials--the ones that premoistened.  They were great to use on my face, neck, chest and back in between showers.

    oh also a mild lotion.  From being in the hospital bed my skin got super irritated.  My husband stole baby lotion from our son and it was so helpful!


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  • nipple cream, nursing tanks, boppy

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  • My own clothes. Stretchy pants and the biggest shirts I own.

    Chap stick and lotion

    My own body pillow


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  • ABDOMINAL BINDER! They gave me one at the hospital but it kept my belly tight and made moving, coughing sneezing, etc, so much less painful than when it wasn't on

    High waisted panties- I took my regular ones and they pushed on my incision 

     Strechy pants to wear home

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  • 1. Comfy sweats

    2. lotion/lip balm

    3. socks


    I was cold the whole time I was in the hospital, and the constant air conditioning dried out my skin terribly. But I loved loved loved the mesh panties they give! haha.

    I would probably take along a Boppy pillow this time, since I know what a help it was for me the first time around. 


  • Something that use can use to skype if your family isn't nearby.  All the grandparents got to see the baby the day she was born thanks to skype and my tablet.


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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • - "Normal" clothes (yoga pants, nursing tank, robe/hoodie, and flip-flops/slippers)

    - My own toiletries (bring the good stuff!)

    - iPhone, iPad, camera and chargers

    - I know this is more than 2, but I wish I had my Breast Friend pillow the first time! 

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  • Definitely granny panties (FYI my hospital didn't supply underwear at all!  They just gave those giant pads, so if you didn't have any underwear, you had a problem getting out of bed!!!)

    Comfortable high-wasted pants (like yoga pants.)  I had maternity jeans to go home in after my c-section with DS and it was BAD!!!!  OUCHHHH!!!!

    And other misc. stuff that everyone else is saying is helpful too... cell phone charger, camera, toothpaste and toothbrush (forgot this the first time too!), etc. 

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