May 2011 Moms


So I think we've started revving up for the Terrible Twos in our house.  DS has started getting very upset when things don't go his way. 


Last week we were in Target and since I knew we weren't going to be getting much, I decided to let him walk because I know he hates riding in the shopping cart.  I had his backpack with tether on him and had the end of the tether wrapped around my wrist because I knew he would not hold my hand long once we were inside.  He was helping my sister push the shopping cart and was quite content with that until he looked behind him and realized that he was tethered to me!  He flipped out!  He started screaming at me, yanking at the tether trying to get it off my wrist... when that didn't work, he laid himself flat on the floor and started screaming.  It was like if he wasn't allowed to walk on his own terms, he wasn't going to walk at all!  I picked him up and put him in the shopping cart so we could get the few things we need and get out.  He continued screaming and was scratching at my hands.  He picked up my hand and tried to bite it (although he did not move his hand out of the way and ended up biting himself... the surprised look on his face was priceless)


Anyone else having similar tantrum experiences?  Any advice from veteran moms out there???

Re: Tantrums

  • Unfortunately I have no advice for you either, but I have tons of empathy.  DD throws tons of fits.  The other night she didn't want what DH made for dinner (she wanted cereal) and he told her no.  So she threw her dinner on the floor.  The most frustrating tantrums in our house are the ones that are thrown because we didn't give her what she wanted immediately, but we have no idea what she wanted in the first place, so the tantrum just keeps building because we can't say yes or no and move on.  We usually just let her throw her fit and it passes.  We haven't had to deal with the melt down in public yet, but it sounds like you did what I would do - contain LO and finish your task as quickly as possible
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  • DS1 started going through this almost three months ago.  Part of that, I think, had to do with DS2 being born, since it pretty much coincided with his arrival, but I also think it's the "terrible twos" and totally normal for their development at this age.  I tried to do some reading on it because I was nervous since he's not two yet, and I was getting scared of what the "terrible twos" would be like if he was already throwing these fits.  DS1 had always hit his milestones really early, so it makes sense that he would enter the "terrible twos" early too, and apparently that's totally normal, and it's common for them to start that phase anywhere from around 16 months until they are almost three.  Now, I'm just hoping that he'll get through it just as quickly as he entered it :) 

    Sorry, no real adivce on how to deal with it...I'm looking for some myself, but know that it's totally normal and you're most certainly not alone.

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