February 2012 Moms

Spit up

Munchkin hasn't done the normal baby spit up in MONTHS, probably since he started solids at 6 months. But for the past week or so he's been spitting up small amounts at a time while he's playing. It's usually at least a half hour after he eats and it's not chunky like vomit. It's just the white, formula spit up. He did it several times yesterday whereas he only did it once a day for the few days before that.

Is this normal? Could he be developing reflux or something? He doesn't seem sick otherwise and isn't being more fussy or anything.
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Re: Spit up

  • Not sure but Jackson did that for about 2 weeks in December and then it stopped. Some days it was a lot and some days it was only once or twice. I felt like during that time he was going through a growth spurt and he at a lot more than usual. So maybe he's just eating a little bit to much?
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  • Lila was always queen of spit up, large large amounts. Eventually it stopped. Suddenly for about a week 2 or 3 weeks ago she was spitting up random small amounts and then it stopped again. Made no sense to me but I was glad it went away. 
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  • I've noticed that Eli spits up if he's SUPER active after eating. All the crawling, bouncing, rolling around can't be good on a full tummy. It comes and goes with him, but I'd say if it's something he continuously does, it wouldn't hurt to ask you ped about it.
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  • K spits up almost every morning about 10 minutes after I feed her.  I think it is a combination of being active and eating too much in the morning.

    She nurses, and I don't think she knows when to stop.

  • Ava has reflux but it seemed to have gone away at about 9 months but lately she has been spitting up once in a while.  I asked the ped about it a few weeks ago and she said being much more mobile and stuff sloshing around in their stomach's can cause an increase it spit up at this age.
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