My H's co-worker just had a baby girl and named her Zalea Marie. They pronounce is (Zal-ya). Never heard it. Reminds me of Azalea for obvious reasons. I found it kind of refreshing to hear. Thoughts? Is it legit?
My H's coworker just had a baby girl and named her Zalea Marie. They pronounce is Zalya. Never heard it. Reminds me of Azalea for obvious reasons. I found it kind of refreshing to hear. Thoughts? Is it legit?
...I like it ..the pro is difficult wo the phonics lol but that's the great thing about names there is no wrong or right way ..its just what u prefer like I would have spelled it a lil differently Zalya or even Zalyah just to make it reader friendly ..but I like it and its different and as long as she's happy w it then that's what makes it unique and special
My H's coworker just had a baby girl and named her Zalea Marie. They pronounce is Zalya. Never heard it. Reminds me of Azalea for obvious reasons. I found it kind of refreshing to hear. Thoughts? Is it legit?
...I like it ..the pro is difficult wo the phonics lol but that's the great thing about names there is no wrong or right way ..its just what u prefer like I would have spelled it a lil differently Zalya or even Zalyah just to make it reader friendly ..but I like it and its different and as long as she's happy w it then that's what makes it unique and special
Since when do you care about reader friendly? That is laughable.
Re: Interesting name.
My first thought was Zales the jewelry store. It's a cute name but she'll have to tell people how to spell it her whole life.
. . . like me.
We can't wait to meet our Blake Katherine!!
Since when do you care about reader friendly? That is laughable.