Sorry if this gets asked a lot, but I didn't see it on the last couple of pages.
What is your wash routine? I've dabbled in mama cloth before, but mainly only using it as a pantiliner. I'm hoping to use them for postpartum after the heavy bleeding stops, and then eventually when I get my period back, I'm hoping to try the diva cup.
Anyway, so do you wash them in a completely separate load? With cloth diapers? With clothes? Any tips or other suggestions welcome too! Thanks in advance!
Re: Mama cloth users- wash question
"Anyway, so do you wash them in a completely separate load? With cloth diapers? With clothes? Any tips or other suggestions welcome too!"
All of the above for me. I throw them in with whatever is being washed but if I had a preference I would toss them in with diapers or towels. But I'm not going to plan my wash around when I need to wash the pads so it is what it is.
whole period or until wash day. My cycles are about 3 days long. So I have about 12 pads total no big deal.
Now that I'm pregnant. I will likely need to wash more often, since I won't have as many mega sized ones. I would be fine washing them with any load, but might try and rinse first if there's tons of blood.
I've heard some warning if you get a yeast infection and wash with diapers you can contaminate them. And no one wants that!! Just something to be aware of.
TTC since May 2011
Well thanks, ladies! Definitely the answers I was hoping for! Who wants to do a completely separate load for a few pads? Not I!
Thanks again!