Hello, I am new here so quick introduction. I have a 4 week old son and he is breastfed with a bottle of pumped milk here and there. Since he eats every two hours it would be a lot easier to bed share and nurse than to be continuously getting out of bed and trying to get to sleep in his bassinet. He wakes after 10 minutes
So my question is how can I safely bed share and how do you nurse sidelying?
Re: How to safely bed share?
Our bed is directly on the floor, no headboard. We have a few pillows, but our blanket it lightweight.
She sleeps curled up on her side next to me and I sleep on my side with my arm over her. We start out with her on her back, but she rolls over so her face is close to my breast. I've found that I'm very attuned to her movements and needs, and I always wake up a little bit for her dream feeds. Since we started putting her directly in bed with us, she essentially sleeps 11-7 every night with 2 dream feeds. She latches on very well naturally now, but at first I had help her a little bit. Bed sharing and breastfeeding have been amazing for my sanity this first month.