
Need some easy, but fun activities...

DD is home with me during the winter break and I've found that we've watched far too much TV. She has plenty of toys and I do make a point to turn off the TV for periods of time during the day, but she gets bored easily with playing and asks to watch a show. I need some easy and fun structured activities. I think that she's so used to following the structure of her daycare day and having other kids to play with that she's a little lost as to what to do at home.

ETA: She did get an easel and lots of art supplies for birthday/Christmas, so we typically do an art project of some sort a couple times a day. We also have been playing some board games which she enjoys. I got her a 24 piece jigsaw puzzle, but she's not very interested in puzzles, never has been...
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Re: Need some easy, but fun activities...

  • Window markers, rice box, go for a walk, let her "wash dishes", make cookies, play doh, give her a dry wash cloth and let her "clean". Izzy will seriously spend 30 minutes walking around wiping down random objects. 
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  • DS loves playing with baking soda and vinegar. I cover the bottom of a pie pan with baking soda, put vinegar in small tupperware containers with a few drops of food coloring, then give him some medicine droppers and spoons and let him go to town. He likes watching the bubbles, then once the mixture is ph balanced, he pretends it is soup.
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  • Do you have any cardboard boxes? Have her tell you where to cut doors, have her decorate them with markers, and hide in them and climb on them and crush them and tip them. Boxes are awesome.

    image image
  • Another vote to check Pinterest.  Several pins have ideas of what to do with toddlers.  I did several different ideas from there over the summer when it was crazy hot to go out to do something.
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  • imageMollusksWrangler:
    Do you have any cardboard boxes? Have her tell you where to cut doors, have her decorate them with markers, and hide in them and climb on them and crush them and tip them. Boxes are awesome.

    I second this

    We have a cardboard home in the basement it's a big hit. She colored on it and picked where windows went.

    And it doesn't need to be fancy. I'm a horrible artist. I've made him planes and houses and trains and cars and such under his direction. They look nothing like they should. I consider it an opportunity for him to stretch his imagination.

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  • I've gotten some good ideas from
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  • imagefredalina:
    Have you tried Pinterest? Or this website:

    Love Pinterest! Lots of kid-friendly ideas there. 

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  • Here's something cool from DD2's BMB

    (sorry not clicky)

    Depending how much you want/can get involved in those activities (I mean, Mama's gotta cook and clean at some point, right?), I might suggest:

    - Cooking/baking
    - Playing outside (DD1 LOVES playing in the snow)
    - A felt board (like this one

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