DD is home with me during the winter break and I've found that we've watched far too much TV. She has plenty of toys and I do make a point to turn off the TV for periods of time during the day, but she gets bored easily with playing and asks to watch a show. I need some easy and fun structured activities. I think that she's so used to following the structure of her daycare day and having other kids to play with that she's a little lost as to what to do at home.
ETA: She did get an easel and lots of art supplies for birthday/Christmas, so we typically do an art project of some sort a couple times a day. We also have been playing some board games which she enjoys. I got her a 24 piece jigsaw puzzle, but she's not very interested in puzzles, never has been...
Re: Need some easy, but fun activities...
And it doesn't need to be fancy. I'm a horrible artist. I've made him planes and houses and trains and cars and such under his direction. They look nothing like they should. I consider it an opportunity for him to stretch his imagination.
Love Pinterest! Lots of kid-friendly ideas there.
Here's something cool from DD2's BMB
(sorry not clicky)
Depending how much you want/can get involved in those activities (I mean, Mama's gotta cook and clean at some point, right?), I might suggest:
- Cooking/baking
- Playing outside (DD1 LOVES playing in the snow)
- A felt board (like this one https://www.activity-mom.com/2012/04/early-learning-activities-for-my-1-year.html?showComment=1334844455625#c5561009359976469292)