when you look out your front window and you see that your sister and BIL, along with a few other of your friends, were invited over to your neighbor/good friends house, and you weren't.
I feel a bit like I did in 7th grade when I ate lunch by myself. Good times.
Re: That awkward moment...
It stings a little but eh well.
Thing is, my sister and I are close. My husband and her husband are good friends. we are also close with the neighbors. We haven't had a falling out or anything.
I'm telling myself it's because we have small children and they don't.
I've gotta let it go or it's gonna ruin my day. It's stupid really and I know it bothered me mostly due to my own insecurities.
That stinks but my first thought was about if you guys had kids. I know that my friends have stopped inviting me to parties since I had my son and the only invitations to hang out now are things that I could bring a baby to. It stinks.
I am sorry, that's really crappy. But I agree too. If you guys are all so close, they should have invited you. They all know you have kids, it's no surprise. You and your H could have taken turns coming over so the other would stay with the kids. With notice i am sure you could have made arrangements if you wanted to. But i will commiserate with you- my own sister had a new years party and we weren't invited either- we live not even 10 minutes away.
Yeah, I've debated bringing it up, but I probably won't. I mean, they have a right to invite people over and not invite us....it's just awkward that we live across the street and it's literally in our faces, ya know? If we lived across town, we would've had no idea.
It still kinda sucks to feel left out, because this isn't the first time they've done this. Its not fun when you feel like maybe people don't like you or your husband as much as you like them...lol