Eco-Friendly Family

Making your own baby food

I'm looking into making our own baby food. Does anyone have the baby bullet? Would you recommend it?

 We have a food processor that I was hoping to use. Does anyone use theirs to make food? Any tips? 

How do you store the food? I read about ice cube trays, but I would think they need to be covered to avoid freezer burn.

Thanks for any advice you can give! 

Re: Making your own baby food

  • I did my own for the short time that DD was on purees.  Have fun with it.  Don't get stressed, it's only food.  This website is a great resource.

    We used a regular food processor, or for a lot of foods, just fork-mashed (avocado, banana, sweet potato).  My regular food processor was always just fine, but I never tried making my own rice cereal or anything like that - just the usual fruit and veggie purees.

    I froze purees in ice cube trays and then dumped the cubes into big freezer bags.  I never bothered to cover the trays, because they were usually only in the trays for a day or so at the most.  I didn't bother to pre-puree and freeze avocado or banana, because they're pretty small and taste so much better fresh.

    As for tips - I made pretty big batches every time I made stuff, so I didn't have to do it all that often.  I would bake 4 sweet potatoes, for example, and then mash and freeze it all in trays, and I would have A TON of sweet potato that would last for a long time.  Or two big bags of frozen peas, or 2 lbs of carrots, or a whole butternut squash.  But start out small until you know if your LO likes something before you wind up with a freezer full of it.

    I also always made the purees unseasoned, and then added seasonings to the batch that I was thawing to feed DD.  And I froze them as individual food cubes and would then mix cubes for a meal - a cube of peas and a cube of carrots, instead of mixing pea and carrot purees together before freezing.

    I would avoid canned fruits and veggies whenever you can, and just use fresh or frozen as much as possible.  DD's puree stage was pretty short, but I used leftover cubes of puree as sauce on pastas or mixed in with other meals once she was eating more real foods.  I still like having some pouches of pureed fruits on hand to mix into her oatmeal or yogurt.

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  • I couldn't justify the cost of the baby bullet considering you usually only puree the food for a few months. Our food processor and blender worked just fine. We pureed a bunch of food and put it in ice cube trays. We didn't cover them and they didn't get freezer burn. We used them quickly enough that they weren't in the freezer for that long. Plus, there are foods that can be mashed up and don't need to be pureed like bananas, avocados, potatoes, etc. Even cauliflower can be cooked until it's soft enough that it can be mashed up. 

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  • I waited until 6 months and then just mashed everything with a fork for the first couple of weeks.  I let DD feed herself, so there was no "spoon feeding".  She was still BF so I knew she was getting what she needed.

    I wouldn't spend money on a baby bullet... just use a food processor and trays.


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  • I use food processor and works fine.  Save in ice cube trays then in ziplock bags. Take them out night before and let defrost on fridge. The website the first poster posted is great!
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  • I use a silicone brownie bites tray from amazon, and it is so easy to pop out the frozen cubes.
  • I would not spend money on the baby bullet. We just used our blender and did what previous posters mentioned. I also made big batches. We did sweet potatoes, roasted pears, blueberries, apples, carrots, squash and a few other fruits and veggies.
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  • I was given a Baby Bullet as a gift, and I will echo the PPs who say it's generally not worth the money; the blender itself is silly; it's tiny and flimsyfeeling, and not nearly powerful enough. I thought I'd burned the motor out the first time I used it. Unnecessary plastic ribbing inside the blender bowl make it tricky to clean by hand.

    The little storage canisters and the freezer tray were useful to a degree, though I ultimately opted not to use plastic storage containers for food, but not worth the price of the whole set when you can find alternatives relatively easily.
  • Thank you for all the great advice! 
  • call me spoiled lol i love my babycook it steams and purees they also make these snazzy storage trays. its expensive though.
  • imageMrsEll:
    Cook your veggies and fruits. Put them in the food processor. Freeze them in ice cube trays. Dump frozen cubes into a tupperware container or ziploc bag for the freezer.

    Perfect....but I'll add one other fun step: Label Label Label!! Oh and buy a few baby freezer food trays with covers!



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  • We LOVE baby cubes for storage of purees!  They are BPA free and have individual lids (and they sit in trays) to allow you to defrost just the right portion.  They come in a variety of sizes too!

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