
If you have a Target debit card

At the bottom of your receipt it shows you how much you've saved with your card this year. l've saved almost 200 dollars with my five percent discount, so that means I spent FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS at Target in 2012.

OMG I think I might have a seizure.

Re: If you have a Target debit card

  • Off to look at my receipts!
  • Holy ***. I think my last receipt said I've saved $12.

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  • Add dashes between the words shopping at target.

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  • Yikes, mine days 87.08! That has got to be wrong!
  • yeaaaaaaaaa mine is in the upwards of about 5 to be fair we do a lot of our grocery shopping there too...BUT STILL.

    I'm a fricken Target junkie!

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  • imageRondackHiker:
    Add dashes between the words shopping at target.

    That is so true.

    Granted, we were buying a can of formula a week there for a couple of months, and some groceries...but still. That's crazy. I guess I know what my resolution should be.
  • imageKarschingham:
    yeaaaaaaaaa mine is in the upwards of about 5 to be fair we do a lot of our grocery shopping there too...BUT STILL. I'm a fricken Target junkie!

    Yay I'm not the only crazy one!
  • imageMintBerryCrunch:
    Add dashes between the words shopping at target.

    That is so true.

    Granted, we were buying a can of formula a week there for a couple of months, and some groceries...but still. That's crazy. I guess I know what my resolution should be.

    I can't go to target anymore. Our big money saving thing this year was avoiding target. It's helped. I've only been once or twice this year. I always spend too much there.

    image image

    Add dashes between the words shopping at target.
    That is so true. Granted, we were buying a can of formula a week there for a couple of months, and some groceries...but still. That's crazy. I guess I know what my resolution should be.
    I can't go to target anymore. Our big money saving thing this year was avoiding target. It's helped. I've only been once or twice this year. I always spend too much there.

    I'm seriously going to have to cut back as I have no intention of immediately returning to work full time after my maternity leave. We're definitely going to have to figure out how to change things a bit to be able to swing it, so now is a good time to start! I really hope I have better success breastfeeding this time, because I had so many complications after my CS last time that my milk never really came in despite months of interventions, and holy hell formula is expensive. And I felt so guilty that I couldn't exclusively BF that I was adamant that DD got organic formula as the next best alternative. Target used to be the cheapest place to get it, but I don't think they are any more, so even if we do need formula for #2 I won't have to go there nearly as much.

  • Mine is under $100.  It would be more if they had a better produce section at our local store.  I do most of my grocery shopping elsewhere.
  • We just got our card in october, but it is already over 50. We do almost all our shopping there, but their produce does kinda suck. We have started getting that stuff elsewhere.
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  • I don't keep my receipts, but I know if I did and I looked at how much I'd spent there I would be horrified! We go at least once a week, more if we forget stuff..and I always end up buying more than what I came in for!


  • I'm at $166.21. Eeep!
    Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015
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