At the bottom of your receipt it shows you how much you've saved with your card this year. l've saved almost 200 dollars with my five percent discount, so that means I spent FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS at Target in 2012.
OMG I think I might have a seizure.
Re: If you have a Target debit card
Holy ***. I think my last receipt said I've saved $12.
yeaaaaaaaaa mine is in the upwards of about 5 to be fair we do a lot of our grocery shopping there too...BUT STILL.
I'm a fricken Target junkie!
That is so true.
Granted, we were buying a can of formula a week there for a couple of months, and some groceries...but still. That's crazy. I guess I know what my resolution should be.
Yay I'm not the only crazy one!
I can't go to target anymore. Our big money saving thing this year was avoiding target. It's helped. I've only been once or twice this year. I always spend too much there.
I'm seriously going to have to cut back as I have no intention of immediately returning to work full time after my maternity leave. We're definitely going to have to figure out how to change things a bit to be able to swing it, so now is a good time to start! I really hope I have better success breastfeeding this time, because I had so many complications after my CS last time that my milk never really came in despite months of interventions, and holy hell formula is expensive. And I felt so guilty that I couldn't exclusively BF that I was adamant that DD got organic formula as the next best alternative. Target used to be the cheapest place to get it, but I don't think they are any more, so even if we do need formula for #2 I won't have to go there nearly as much.