
Ask me Anything (quest for 11,000)

Trying to get my post count to 11,000

Ask me anything?

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Re: Ask me Anything (quest for 11,000)

  • If you we're stranded on a deserted island and could only have two things with you, what would they be?
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  • imagefredalina:
    What is your favorite color of horse? Favorite horse breed? Favorite riding discipline?

    I know nothing about horses but I will answer randomly and what sounds good. 

    I love chestnut? 

    I like the Budweiser Clydesdales

    I know nothing about riding discipline. My goal is to stay on the horse.  

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  • Loading the player...
  • imageSpooko:
    What's your favorite song?

    Oh shiit. Um, I'm an 80s girl so I love anything by Journey, The Eagles, Def Leopard. No particular song though. 

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  • imageSpooko:
    What's your favorite animal?

    one's that don't live in my house?


    I love rabbits but I don't want to care for them. 

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  • imageSpooko:
    What's the best book you ever read?

    Ooooh, Diary of Anne Frank. 


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  • imageSpooko:
    What's your favorite color?


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  • imageGlitter Pop:
    If you we're stranded on a deserted island and could only have two things with you, what would they be?

    My Kindle and sunblock

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  • imageSpooko:
    What's your favorite movie for a good cry?

    Anything lately. 

    Where the red fern grows is always good for a cry

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  • imageSpooko:
    What's your most embarrassing moment?

    I recently tripped going UP the stairs at a movie. At one of the quiet parts, making a loud thud. It was great. 

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  • imageLovesMM:
    I know nothing about riding discipline. My goal is to stay on the horse. nbsp;

    This is always a good goal.

    If you could have any job, ignoring the need for training and such, what would it be?

    image image
  • imageSpooko:
    When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

    I wanted to be a teacher. 

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  • imageSpooko:
    What's one thing you're most proud of in your life?

    I would say my daughter but also getting my teaching job after 3 years of waiting for one. 

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  • imageSpooko:
    Would you rather have to climb all the trees in Canada or have athlete's foot all over your body?

    Can I get rid of the athlete's foot eventually? how long will it last?

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  • imageSpooko:
    What's one of your goals for the upcoming year?

    Get a permanent teaching position!

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  • imageSuperDeDuper:
    What's the best thing you've found on Pinterest?

    A wardrobe I could never afford. 

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  • imageSpooko:
    What's your favorite movie quote of all time?

    Oh snap! I don't have one!!

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  • imageSuperDeDuper:
    Apple juice or apple cider?

    Ew neither? I'm a Coke or Water type of girl.


    Or Wine. 

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  • imageSpooko:
    What's surprised you most since becoming a parent?

    How much I couldn't imagine life with out her even though we didn't want kids. 

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  • imageSpooko:
    If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, which would you choose?


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  • imageSuperDeDuper:
    Do these pants make my butt look big?

    Not at all!

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  • imageSpooko:
    If you could travel to any period in history, when would you choose?

    As morbid as it sounds I'm infatuated with the Holocaust and WWII, so probably back then

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  • imageSuperDeDuper:
    What will you do to celebrate when you hit 11,000?

    Eat a bowl of ice cream. I'll post pictures. 

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  • imageSpooko:
    Do you prefer a spoon or a fork (when both are valid choices)?




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  • imageSpooko:
    What's your favorite season?

    We only have Summer and Cold Snaps in Louisiana.. But I'd love some Fall!

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  • imageSpooko:
    If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?


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  • imageSpooko:
    What's your favorite fruit?


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  • imageSpooko:
    What's your biggest fear?

    Failure. Failure at motherhood. Failure at life in general. 

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  • imageSpooko:
    Pen or pencil?


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  • imageRondackHiker:
    I know nothing about riding discipline. My goal is to stay on the horse. nbsp;
    This is always a good goal. If you could have any job, ignoring the need for training and such, what would it be?

    Umm a pilot!

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  • imageSpooko:
    Straight math, or word problem?

    Word Problem!

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  • imageSpooko:
    What's one thing you love to learn about?

    I love learning about photography. It's a side hobby.

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  • imageSpooko:
    How did you meet your DH?

    Yahoo! Chat. Wink

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  • imageSpooko:
    Wine, beer, or liquor?


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  • imageSpooko:
    What's your dream date?

    That's a tough one. I'd have to say April 25th. Because it's not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.

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  • imageSpooko:
    Nsync or Backstreet Boys?


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  • imageSpooko:
    Do you believe in ghosts? telepathy? angels? signs?

    Yes to all of the above!

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  • imageSpooko:
    What toppings do you like on pizza?

    Extra Cheese. Nothing else. 


    <--- Weirdo

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  • imageSpooko:
    And what kind of crust?

    Hand tossed. 

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  • imageSpooko:
    Do you speak any other languages, if so which?

    No, I took Spanish but can't speak it that well but a few words. 

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  • imageSpooko:
    What color is your kitchen?

    Toffee Brown

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