Houston Babies

Childbirth classes in Katy, TX

I'm looking for birthing classes in the Katy, TX area. Does any one have any good recommendations?


Re: Childbirth classes in Katy, TX

  • What type of childbirth class are you looking for? A hospital preparation class, or a more natural childbirth preparation?
  • A hospital preparation class, breast feeding, infant care, etc.
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  • The best I can recommend are at the Motherhood Center - but they aren't in Katy. I know that the West Houston Birth Center will also have CBE and breastfeeding classes, but again, not in Katy. Have you checked with your local hospitals and La Leche League?
  • Memorial Hermann Katy offers child birth, breast feeding, and infant care classes.  We took all three and liked them a lot, especially the birthing class.  The teacher (I think her name was Becky) was VERY informative and very funny and engaging.  We learned a lot and she really helped to put our fears to rest. We only wished we would have taken it sooner.  We waited until I was about 8 months pregnant to take it. Fair warning, it's a 6 hour class on a Saturday so you might want to pack a lunch.  They do offer drinks and snacks. The breast feeding and infant care classes are shorter and taught by a different lady. Those classes were great too but we really loved the birthing class.
  • Thanks everyone! i signed up for the classes at Memorial Herman. They are affordable and offered often.
  • Thanks for this info!!!


    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers BabyFetus Ticker
  • Hi, I know this is an old post, but I have noticed there are a few questions about natural birth classes in Katy or even West Houston and I just moved here in late 2013 and I teach Hypnobabies Natural Birth Classes and wanted to get the word out there.  My website is HypnobabiesWithPaige.com.  Please check Hypnobabies out no matter where you live because its amazing.  I used it for all three of my births and I can honestly say I had wonderful birth experiences all because of my and my husband's training and education through Hypnobabies. 
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