5 Weeks Pregnant

Feels like aunt flo is coming...

I just found out I was pregnant and according to the pregnancy calculator I am 5 weeks.  Last night I started having light cramping that felt like i was getting my period. I woke up and still feel cramping but no bleeding.  My period was late last month and only came for 3 days so I technically didn't miss my period yet this month.  I am worried that I am having a chemical pregnancy.  Any thoughts?

Re: Feels like aunt flo is coming...

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    It's normal to feel some cramping during pregnancy as your hormones and body start preparing to take care of a baby.  If it's worrying you, you can always call your doctor just to be sure, but cramping in and of itself isn't necessarily an indicator of being pregnant or not pregnant.  All three times I've been pregnant, I felt for sure that my period was on its way only to have it never come.

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    I am 5 weeks and feel the same way. This is my 3rd pregnancy though and it was the same with all of them. I spotted with them all too. I just try to sit and put my feet up for 10 min if I get too crampy, it usually eases up. As long as there is no painful bleeding I think you are just experiencing the "joys" of being newly pregnant. I am convinced too that Im overly aware of every twinge and pull....the mind is an evil thing sometimes. Good luck!
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    I took another test to be sure. Still pregnant! Thanks for the advice.
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    I also feel light cramps much like the same feeling when AF is just around the corner. I have been feeling them everyday since my positive pg test.
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    I had it confirmed that I am 5 weeks. I feel the same way. Get it checked out by a blood test!
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    This is normal. I had horrible craming (like it felt like the worst AF cramping of my life) at 4w3d. Unless your cramping is unbearable or coupled with major bleeding you have nothing to worry about.

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    I just found out today and I'm 5 weeks! I am cramping, this is my 3rd and it was the same with the others! I take it as a sign to rest and it passes :
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    Hi ladies,


    I had the same concern, but very normal, the cramping is just that our uterus is growing. You might be able to feel that your lower stomach is already hardening, mine is!  I have been cramping for 8 straight days, no blood.  

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    I had the same symptoms with my first pregancy.  Am 5 weeks pregnant with my second and feel the same.  Don't worry!  Stress and worry are normal durring pregnancy, but you should try to avoid it as much as possible.  Most pregancies are perfectly fine and end with healthy babies.  Good luck!

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