Yeah! Haha, it took my dh a few weeks to get used to it, too. And shortly after, we started cloth wipes which he REALLY had to get used to! But now he loves them and is so happy we do cloth!
DH was overwhelmed by them at first and kept wanting to "use up" the disposables we were gifted. Now he doesn't understand why everyone doesn't use cloth.
MH was apprehensive, but now he doesn't consider it a big deal. He was talking up our savings vs disposables to his mom tonight. That's definitely his favourite aspect of CD's.
Mine feels that way too. Though with our prefolds the silly man keeps insisting we need diaper pins instead of snappis! I figure when LO arrives, he'll figure it out - like all of parenting!
Re: our first cds just arrived!
You started a lot sooner than we did! I think I started buying CDs somewhere around 20 weeks, and really got into it after that.
FI was always on board but of course, a little skeptical at first. Now he has a running inventory of all things CD related on his iPhone