
The end of Russian adoptions

Really curious to know what was behind this decision -- this is a huge money endeavor for them. Lots of families bribe the orphanages; I can imagine how they soaked the prospective parents for money.

If it wasn't for these families, these kids would be left to languish.

Re: The end of Russian adoptions

  • It's incredibly sad that this bill was passed and American families can no longer adopt from Russia for the foreseeable future however, as someone who very recently went though the process, I can assure you that there was zero bribery along the way. 


    There are great misconceptions about Russian adoptions in recent years. The country had come a long way from where they were adoption wise 10+ years ago.  

    Little Slick
    Born 6.26.10
    Forever a Family 11.26.12
  • Tarpon, as usual, your assumptions and assertions are rooted in second-hand "knowledge" you gained two decades or more ago.  As such, they are the opposite of accurate.  Russia really overhauled it's adoption practices several years ago and the bribes which were once an unofficial part of the process are no longer tolerated, legal, or practiced. This board includes several families that have adopted from Russia and several more who were already in the process of doing so, but have not yet brought their children home, so we are both very aware of current policies and why this happened, and there are a lot of people really hurting from this latest turn of events.  As such, we would appreciate if you kept from spewing you ill-informed, bigoted comments on this board. If you really want information about why this happened and what it might mean for the waiting families and children, there are a few other threads already started which address this topic below.
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  • [huzzah, ladies! well done.]
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
    Application approved Dec '11
    Mar '12: Homestudy interrupted by change in Uganda requirements - where do we go from here?
    After searching and searching, back with Uganda but with our homestudy agency's program.
    Homestudy complete July 19
    USCIS I-600A submitted July 20. Biometrics appointments arrived Aug 17; fingerprinted Aug 21; 171H received Sept 25th. On the wait list Oct 1st: #18. By Jan 25th, we're #13!
    Come home, baby A!
  • imageCaptainSerious:
    Tarpon, as usual, your assumptions and assertions are rooted in second-hand "knowledge" you gained two decades or more ago.  As such, they are the opposite of accurate.  Russia really overhauled it's adoption practices several years ago and the bribes which were once an unofficial part of the process are no longer tolerated, legal, or practiced. This board includes several families that have adopted from Russia and several more who were already in the process of doing so, but have not yet brought their children home, so we are both very aware of current policies and why this happened, and there are a lot of people really hurting from this latest turn of events.  As such, we would appreciate if you kept from spewing you ill-informed, bigoted comments on this board. If you really want information about why this happened and what it might mean for the waiting families and children, there are a few other threads already started which address this topic below.

    :raises eyebrow:

    Gee, pardon me. I was merely posting the article as an FYI and nothing more.

    If you read the article, you can see what the adoptive parents went through with those kids.  Those kids wouldn't have had a snowball's chance if it wasn't for the parents stateside and that is the point I was making.

    I'm hardly bigoted and ill informed. I'm old enough to be your mother, btw.

  • imageTarponMonoxide:

    . I'm old enough to be your mother, btw.

    exactly, and your information is based on facets at least 20 years old.

    and Tarpon, I know you well from ney. Your age is not something that makes your opinion in this matter any more valid than any other. 

  • I'll say. That was really mean...why do you ladies gangbust each other? We all need to work together for the sake of the kids and stop assuming that you know the tone, emotions, and history behind people in an online forum.
  • Well, seeing as I've been posting on the same boards alongside Tarpon for over 9 years now, I feel confident in my assessment that her posts are always harsh , abrassive, and designed to make her look like she's the only one who knows-it-all.  I say anything mean to her or about her, I just told her the truth: that her "facts" were outdated and bigoted, and that we already had a few posts addressing the reason behind Russia's move. This board is the most supportive board I've ever found, and does not, as a rule, "gang up" on people, but it does not sit quietly in the face of bad information, lies, hatred, or bigotry.  We are so mellow, the board and Nest have repeatedly decided we don't need a moderator, but as a result, it's up to us to maintain respect here and ensure that the information proliferated is accurate--and that's what we did in that post.  Finally, I am confident that there's not a single person among us that can change the outcome in Russia, so the "think of the children" thing doesn't really hold any weight here.  I'm posting from my phone, so I'm sorry for the lack of paragraphs.
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