DaisyZH0505@yahoo.com. New members are always welcome!
This week in Praise: Send in any praise requests! Mine will be for this board, the support and education that it gives. Also for all those with their little ones at home or that are moving forward in the process. Special Prayer Requests Please pray for the tax credit, and also for Russian adoptions, especially those waiting to get their kids home. So heartbreaking. Also, let?s Welcome our newest member Strawberryglobug!!! Do you have a praise or prayer request? Let me know either by responding to this post, PM-ing me or e-mailing me at Here is our Bible Verse for the week: Psalm 46:1-3 ?God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah.? Here is our Question of the day: Is there a story behind your Bump name? Mine is pretty lame, Daisy is from my favorite Disney character Daisy Duck and ZH is for Zoey Hart - I happened to be watching Hart of Dixie while opening my account many moons ago lol.
Re: Adoption Prayer Group : )
HI! I'd love to be a part of this. I just sent you an email.
That is a cute story about your screenname. My screen name is me and dh's names. I guess I was not thinking about privacy at the time.
Praise: I think God is answering my prayers to stay busy, and not let the waiting get to me. My wait thus far has not been bad at all, even with the holidays. I feel like I should be discouraged that there has been no activity on our profile, but I'm really not, and I have a lot of (probably irrational) hope. I think it is starting to bother DH though :-( He was a rock star through all of the IF stuff (not that he was the one having surgery, chock full of hormones and giving himself injections) but for some reason the adoption waiting is much harder for him. I am the opposite. I am finding it so much easier to leave it up to God's timing and wait on a match, than I ever was with waiting for God to help us conceive. I guess I just feel like its out of my hands and in His, and for some reason right now I am ok with that and feel at peace. I hope that I can stay this peaceful and optimistic even if we have a crazy long wait, but I pray for DH's sake that it won't be exceptionally long.
Verse: I love that verse. I look forward to reading them each week.
QOTW: I don't know how I got my screen name, or how to go back and undo it. Its my real name obviously, and I would really like to change it, I just can't figure out how to do it! LOL
Welcome! I will e-mail you back with your prayer partner : ). Love it when people join!
That is great that the waiting is going well so far, I hope it gets easier for your DH as too. My prayers that your wait is a short and easy one.
I'm so glad you like the verses, if you ever have any favorites you want posted let me know!
My screen name is actually after the little pink glow worm (you know the kids toy where the face lights up) I had a pink one growing up that my mom called strawberry. So..... when I was 15 and we got AOL I had to come up with a screen name. I went with strawberryglogal and it has sort of stuck with me as my username through life.
Thanks for the Welcome!!
5 Angels
Awww, that is so cute! I love those little glow worms : )
I would love to be part of this. Our beautiful baby girl turned one this past weekend, she was born in Yokohama and we met her in February last year. We just finalized her adoption before Christmas and are preparing to do it all over again, this time we are hoping to adopt a baby boy or girl from Japan who has a cleft lip/palate. Prayer got us through our last adoption, through the earthquake and program closure, through three adoptions that fell through for various reasons and finally to our beautiful baby girl and our adventure in Japan that included refilling immigration paperwork and being stuck in country far longer than anticipated
We know God built our family and we are amazed at how He worked to put our family together, no one on earth could have orchestrated it all the way He did. I guess that's my praise, prayer is sooo powerful and has completely transformed our relationship and marriage as well.
We have something unique in international adoption and that is an open relationship with her birth mother. We can always use prayer and guidance for how to tread through this relationship and make it as positive as possible for our daughter, it's very challenging when we don't all share the same language and culture (my husband is of Japanese descent but second generation Canadian, his Japanese is worse than mine lol).
My screen name is my initials and maiden name from when I signed up with the Knot years ago, I can't change it, lame story I know lol.
Cheers everyone!