I really need to be able to bottle feed two at once. How do you ladies do it? Boppies? Bouncers? Are you propping bottles up? Or are my little men just to young yet? Please give me your tips on how to do this!
You just have to grow a few new arms. ?Easy as that. ?:)
My girls were terrible bottle feeders...but the few times we did try tandem feeding by bottle, we'd just boppies and prop up bottles with towels. ?Good luck!!?
i didn't do it much when they boys were teeny (i wasn't coordinated enough) but the way it worked best for me was in the bouncy seats, propped with a rolled up receiving blanket or towel. or hold two bottles with one hand, and one bottle with the other. but your arms will get v tired. boppy should work too, but they always slid down them. :P
Have you tried the podee bottles? I don't know if yours are still too little, but you might want to get them for the future. We have some but haven't tried them yet. When I feed both at the same time I put them both in their boppies or in their bouncers on the floor then I sit on the floor in between them.
See if you can get a hold of an EZ2 nurse pillow. You can very easily set up two babies up on the pillow and feed them at the same time. Try contacting some quad moms (there are several on the web you can find easily) and get their tips. I think I've seen them on the floor with boppys. We've even fed them in bouncers.
I use boppies and folded blankets. I have also used a stuffed animal to make sure the bottle doesn't roll off the blanket. My girls like to move their head back and forth so it is difficult sometimes. The more you do it the easier it gets. I would go crazy if I didn't tendem feed.
Your babies are still really little, since they do have to be burped, but that does not mean it can't be done.
when i did feed two at a time. I would sit on my couch with my feet on
the coffee table and have one baby on my legs supported with my knees
and another baby in my arms. I would then have a boppie next to me so
when i would have to burp i could set on in the boppie if i had to or
just swich the babies out.
Re: Help! How do I tandem feed?
You just have to grow a few new arms. ?Easy as that. ?:)
My girls were terrible bottle feeders...but the few times we did try tandem feeding by bottle, we'd just boppies and prop up bottles with towels. ?Good luck!!?
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Your babies are still really little, since they do have to be burped, but that does not mean it can't be done.
I when i did feed two at a time. I would sit on my couch with my feet on the coffee table and have one baby on my legs supported with my knees and another baby in my arms. I would then have a boppie next to me so when i would have to burp i could set on in the boppie if i had to or just swich the babies out.