Gah why is that when you truly need people in your life, they all seem to disappear? Its so great when you text not ONE not TWO But FIVE "friends" about really needing someone and I get nothing nothing *** NOTHING, The AP's are amazing and I love talking to them and venting but I want someone on my side not hat they don't have my best interests at heart but they are protecting their own hearts, but who is helping me protect and heal mine?
Sorry for the language, I just need a friend....
Re: Friends seem to be fading, Need someone...
This is similar to our experience! Hang in there and vent here all you want!
It's because people are fraidy-cats A lot of people have a hard time witnessing people they love going through something difficult, especially something that they don't have a good frame of reference for. People want to fix things, or know they are saying the "right" thing, and if they can't it's often easy to withdraw. I am so sorry that you aren't finding support where you are looking for it (and I agree that no matter how awesome the PAPs are, they are not the people who should be your go-to support).
I really really hope that someone can step up and be your support! When I was going through something that felt isolating, I tried being specific about what would be helpful - ie, I need someone to listen without offering me advice or I need someone to watch a dumb rom-com with me. The people who *wanted* to be there for me but didn't quite know how were very very happy to have this information. The people that I expected to be supportive surprised me by disappearing, saying they didn't know what to do, even after I was specific.
I'm thinking of you and sending love!