
Parenting question

At what age did you transition your LO into a toddler bed?
DS will be 21 months when the new LO arrives. I feel like we have to make the decision now to either buy a new crib or switch him into a toddler bed. Also, we will be cleaning out the bigger bedroom and putting both LOs in the same room. So it will be 2 transitions for DS. A new room and a new bed. :::not to mention, new sibling:::
But, i don't really want to spend the money on a new crib if DS is just going to transition into a toddler bed a month or 2 after LO comes anyway...
Sorry for the rambling, i keep trying to talk to DH about it and all i can get out of him is "I agree we need to decide soon" and then the subject is dropped.

Re: Parenting question

  • I'd do it, but I've also transitioned younger too, with moves, adding siblings, etc. It was hard work, but they did fine. Ds was 2, dd1 15 months, dd2 18, dd3 18, and dd4 is going to be soon, the only girl to not try and escape the crib.
  • DS will be 23 months when #2 comes so we are going to keep him in his crib until the baby is done sleeping in our room. Are you wanting to put the baby in the room with your DS from the beginning or could you use a bassinet in your room for a little while? I would be a little worried about that much change at once. 
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  • When we switched DS to a bed, we put him in a twin bed. We also moved DS to the bigger bedroom and left the nursery as is for baby#2. He was about 20 months, and he never had an issue. He slept in his room from the first night without any problems. We did it far enough in advance that I don't think DS even realizes the baby is taking over his old room. He calls it baby brother's room.

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  • My son was just under 20 months and we transitioned to a twin the same day that we moved to a new place. It went very smoothly after the first night.

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  • Ike hopped out of the crib at 23 months and we switched him to a bed with no issues.
  • I was considering just putting a twin mattress on the floor. But would this encourage him to get up by himself more often?
    He has to share a room with LO. We downsized into a single wide trailer before we realized we were pregnant ::::big surprise, IUD baby:::: and we just don't have the room to give them separate bedrooms, or squeeze LO in our room either... hmmm. Maybe a dresser drawer would work for a little while.... ok, just kidding.
  • imageemriley84:

    When we switched DS to a bed, we put him in a twin bed. We also moved DS to the bigger bedroom and left the nursery as is for baby#2. He was about 20 months, and he never had an issue. He slept in his room from the first night without any problems. We did it far enough in advance that I don't think DS even realizes the baby is taking over his old room. He calls it baby brother's room.

    We did almost the exact same thing.  Nursery was left the same.  Twin bed for DS #1.  He was about 17 months.  Not a problem at all.  We did put the toddler rail on his crib for about a week before we switched him to the bed, just to make sure he would not squirm too much and fall out with just a rail.  Because he was used to being in a crib, he didn't even really realize he could get out of the bed at first.  We decided to skip the toddler bed to avoid another transition later. 

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    Carson Henry, born 39w, 2d, via emergency c/s due to no fetal movement and fetal distress.  Seizures, IVH grade 2, brain injury, kidney and liver damage.  Complete blood clot in the artery in his right arm.  27 days in the NICU.  Now discharged from all specialists, excepts his kidney doctor, who will monitor him indefinitely.  My tough little cookie.

  • My kids both moved out of the crib young, so I would definitely transition now if you think your son is amenable.

    My older one was 16 months when she suddenly flat out refused the crib. She would scream and cry when we got near it. After 3 nights of that it dawned on me that she felt trapped in it, so we converted it to a toddler bed to see if that was the issue and from that night on she went back to her previously excellent sleep habits. Then shortly before her sister arrived we bought her a twin bed to gain the crib bed back for her sister.

    The younger one was 17 months when she got a bloody nose trying to climb out, so we converted the crib to a toddler bed that day before she could really get hurt trying to climb out. She's stubborn so I knew that once she wanted out she would succeed lol!

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  • See my ticker....we haven't transitioned DD yet, and don't plan to until she tries to crawl out of her crib or her legs get too long...whichever comes first. 

    I'm enjoying baby prison as long as possible.  

    Eta: in case you're on mobile, DD is 2.5 as of today. 

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  • imageFormerlyKrista555:
    See my ticker....we haven't transitioned DD yet, and don't plan to until she tries to crawl out of her crib or her legs get too long...whichever comes first.nbsp;I'm enjoying baby prison as long as possible. nbsp;Eta: in case you're on mobile, DD is 2.5 as of today.nbsp;
    I only bump from mobile, so thanks for editing! I came here to ask because all of my IRL mommy friends whose kids are older than DS are still in their cribs. 2 kids I know are over 3 and still in cribs. I was actually hoping that someone would transition their older kid into a bed and let me borrow their crib!
  • We don't plan on putting DS in the crib for some time. However, we still went out and bought the second crib. I mean your still going to have to buy a new bed and mattress no matter what you did. So DS got a 110$ Ikea crib that transitions to a toddler bed. DD's crib is still a crib and transitions to a toddler bed. We are entertaining the idea of transitioning her soon. We just haven't actually done it yet.
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  • imageFormerlyKrista555:

    See my ticker....we haven't transitioned DD yet, and don't plan to until she tries to crawl out of her crib or her legs get too long...whichever comes first. 

    I'm enjoying baby prison as long as possible.  

    Eta: in case you're on mobile, DD is 2.5 as of today. 


    L turned 2 in Oct and H arrived just over a month later. L still sleeps like a champ in her crib , so there was no.freaking.way. we were going to risk messing with that, so H got her own crib. What about just using a pack n play for a bit until you figure out how things are working out?

  • imageMSC03:

    See my ticker....we haven't transitioned DD yet, and don't plan to until she tries to crawl out of her crib or her legs get too long...whichever comes first. 

    I'm enjoying baby prison as long as possible.  

    Eta: in case you're on mobile, DD is 2.5 as of today. 


    L turned 2 in Oct and H arrived just over a month later. L still sleeps like a champ in her crib , so there was no.freaking.way. we were going to risk messing with that, so H got her own crib. What about just using a pack n play for a bit until you figure out how things are working out?

    We could use a PnP, but they are so expensive anyway, might as well just get another crib. DSs PnP got trashed, so we would have to get new. We do have a cradle to last us a few months in our room.
    DS sleeps 12 hours in his crib now. Like you, I don't want to mess it up, but space and money are lacking here. So even a "toddler bed" would probably just be an extra mattress on the floor. Unless I can find a cheap twin bed on Craigslist.
  • We bought a second convertible crib but we also knew we wanted 3.

    DD transitioned at 3 years.  She loved her crib and we still used it as a toddler bed for another year or so.  

    DS1 is 25 months younger than DD  and he was 2.5 years when he started climbing out we transitioned the crib to the toddler bed~ it was DD's old crib.  DD then moved to a Queen because we also had a NB who got the other crib. 

    DS2 is 28 months younger than DS1 and was a little over 2 when he transitioned.

    We now don't use the cribs at all even though they were convertible.   I don't know what if anything I would do different...maybe cheaper cribs.  I had intended for them to use them a while but we got bunks for the boys which saves a lot of space.  And DD is a mover at night and needs to stay in her queen. 

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  • DS got a toddler bed when he turned 2.
    m/c 2013
  • We are still in a crib, and we are staying in it as long as possible - or at least until we can really reason with her that she needs to stay in bed, etc.
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  • Our of kids were all climbing out of their cribs by 13-19 mths, I'd buy a second hand toddler bed. We have those horrible race car beds for our little boys (see ticker for ages) which they will be in for another year or so and then I'll sell them on the local moms swap and shop site and buy them really nice bunkbeds and matching dressers. They loved the race car beds so much that they were really happy during the transition.

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