So I've gotten great feedback on here for our name choice which has been Sasha Helene
Though, I'm feeling not quite set on the middle name. When I say it out loud, I don't know, something just doesn't quite do it for me.
Helene is supposed to be for my Grandmother Helen. She was from Finland and very proud of her heritage, so I thought of maybe calling this baby Sasha Fin (lastnamesoundslike) Capelli
What do you think? Any other MN name suggestions to go with Sasha with a nod towards grandmother Helen Eleanor from Finland?
Sasha Helene Capelli
Sasha Fin Capelli
Sasha Somethingelse Capelli
Re: Middle name help for Sasha
Sasha Helene.
IMO, I think you need a really feminine mn with Sasha. Though I would think "girl" when I heard it, I know of a lot of people, namely Russians, who would think it's a boy.
I know a Sasha Margaret.
I really like Sasha Helene. I might get flamed for this, but if you really, really want to use a Finland reference instead of her name then I'd just use Finland. A place name rings a little better than a half word or a male name (Finn), especially with Sasha as pp pointed out.
There are also a lot of variations of Helene and Eleanor.
Helene: Elena, Helena, Elin, Helen, Ellen
Eleanor: Eleanora, Lenore, Nell, Nellie, Elle, Nonie, Nora(h), Noreen, Ellen.
I don't really like the flow of Sasha Helene and I think Sasha Fin looks odd (and cutting the name of a country short to honour your grandmother's heritage just kind of sounds funny to me).
What about using a Finnish name in the mn spot? I just looked up some Finnish girl names and found Laine. I like the sound of that. Sasha Laine.
BFP #1 09/02/11 M/C 09/12/11 8w6days
BFP #2 07/18/12 Baby S born on his EDD 03/23/13
SS - age 12...SD - age 8...DS - 13 mos.
Sasha Helene - Like it.
Sasha Fin - Hate it!
Sasha Nell
Sasha Elle
Mr. & Mrs. - Est. 10.03.2009
TTC #1 since 06.2011 Me-24 DH-24
12.2011 SA = Normal
06.2012 First visit with OB/GYN
10.2012 Clomid 50mg + TI = BFN
11.2012 Clomid 50mg + TI = BFN
12.2012 Clomid 100mg + TI = BFN
01.2013 First visit with RE
02.2013 Clomid 150mg + TI = BFN
03.2013 Femara 5mg + TI = BFN
05.2013 Femara 5mg + TI = BFN
06.2013 Femara 7.5mg + TI = BFN
*Taking a break*