That's how long DD got to spend with her daddy for Christmas. She was very huggy and clingy with him and she obviously missed him. He obviously missed her, but 2 hours was all he chose to spend.
He changed our agreed time from 10-10:30 to noon. And when he got here, he says he has to work tonite. I said nothing. I am just happy to have her home with me.
No word on when he'll see her again, but we did discuss the weekend before her birthday which is the 14th. I guess that's when he'll see her next, and probably for just a few hours again.
He keeps saying when he gets settled and gets this job he keeps talking about, he'll start do his every other week.
We'll see.
Re: 2 hours
BM here was supposed the keep SS until the 28 th and then she said she was going "out of town" so she was going to drop him off Christmas Day at 2. Then Christmas Eve AM she asking if she could bring him back then. WTH is wrong with these parents?
I don't get any of these parents... Christmas is so important to me - I would never just give it up.