
Merry Christmas to me!

Overall, it's been a good Christmas. Lots of family time, Parker made out like a bandit with the tons of toys that he ended up with. But, it's not Christmas without some family drama. I took Parker to his g-ma's (dad's mom) house to get his gifts and visit with her for a little bit. Parker's dad walks in and out without acknowledging Parker until his mom said something to him. He tells me that he's going to visit Parker today, but I haven't heard anything from him. Now, my sister is mad at me because she found out that my mom's husband has been coming to visit us and she has taken a stand against him (he has a history of drug use, been through rehab, everytime he comes around he's sober, I never allow him to be alone with Parker, etc, etc.). So falalala la-la la-la.

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Re: Merry Christmas to me!

  • Merry merries! Hopefully things get better.

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