As you may have read from my previous posts, DH has a nasty flu. It is awful. He stayed home today and will stay home tomorrow. I'm exhausted because DH is the most awesomest husband ever and usually does so much to help me, so I'm not used to doing EVERYTHING by myself. Well, we bought DD a kitchen for Christmas, and it needed to be put together tonight when I got home. dragged it in the house, took it all out of the box and got started. WORST TOY EVER! There are no holes for the screws - you literally have to force the screw through the thick plastic material. I couldn't do it, so I had to ask for DH's help (he was at least feeling a little bit better and his fever had come down. He only did the screws and I did everything else). I made sure he washed his hands really good beforehand, and then I Lysol-ed everything he touched and washed my hands like I was going in for surgery, but I'm totes paranoid for me and DD now! She had the flu shot for daycare but I didn't get it and I'm pregnant (I know, I know). I'm kind of freaking out. Also, I feel like a massive mom failure for not being able to put the stupid thing together and for having to bug DH when he feels so awful.
This all gives me a feeling of MAJOR respect for single moms.... I don;t know how you do it.
Re: feeling guilty and paranoid
Thank you. I feel SO bad for him. He was so upset today that he couldn't come to his families get together and he will miss my families get together tomorrow. It's such a bummer that DD isn't getting to spend time with him. BUT i know it could be worse, so I'm thankful that our worst holiday issue is the flu....