
Rec. your play kitchen and other 2 y.o. gifts...

We want to get DD a play kitchen for Christmas, and had planned to get the one that was 50% off at TRU last week, but it sold out in an hour, before we were even out of work.

So we're looking for new ideas. We want to spend about $100 or so on it. Any recommendations?

Also, she'll be 2 this month, and we were thinking of getting her a bike or tricycle of some sort, but are starting to lean away from that since it's Nov., in Maine, and she won't really be able to ride it for long - with it being almost winter.

What did you get for 2nd b-day gifts?


Re: Rec. your play kitchen and other 2 y.o. gifts...

  • I don't like to get a ton of plastic toys, especially the bigger things, so we got DS the Melissa and Doug play kitchen for his 2nd birthday, and love, love, love, love it.


    He plays with it for hours everyday.  I looked at the red one (Kid Kraft) at Costco, and it was really nice quality but REALLY small.  He would have outgrown it pretty quickly.  If you have some space, I highly recommend the one we got.  I paid $135 for it from Amazon (one of their resellers) and it shipped the same day and I got it the next.


  • DD got the Fisher Price Grow With Me Kitchen.  It is not huge which I like.  Some other bigger things she got: a baby doll stroller witha baby doll and a table and chair set. 
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  • We are getting our girls the red retro kitchen from PBK's but it's expensive.  I wanted to get a wood one instead of plastic.  I also like the Melissa and Doug kitchen.  If you are looking for play dishes, check out  They have a great kitchen dish set that is made out of recycled milk jugs.
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