
My bmb is slow

Once the LOs turn one nobody posts anymore :( Doesn't make sense since with newborns you're sleep deprived and would rather sleep than post on a forum, but there seems to be a lot on action of pregnancy and newborn boards anyway.

Not fair :( I still have this board though! 


Re: My bmb is slow

  • When DD was young I would nurse for hours, so I'd constantly be on my phone. After she turned one I was constantly chasing her. I'm not surprised your board slowed down.
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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • imageMrsCodeMonkey:
    When DD was young I would nurse for hours, so I'd constantly be on my phone. After she turned one I was constantly chasing her. I'm not surprised your board slowed down.

    Lol yeah, that is time consuming! Are you a June '11 mom too? Your DD seems really close in age to my DS. 

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  • Yeah, the BMBs slow down pretty quickly.  I generally followed the 0-3, 3-6, etc boards until eventually coming this way.
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  • Ours slowed pretty significantly after the first birthdays too. We are still trying to hang on though.
  • Most everyone from mine went to Facebook and then those groups split so it's kind of dead on both sides now.
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  • imageMommyKayla11:

    When DD was young I would nurse for hours, so I'd constantly be on my phone. After she turned one I was constantly chasing her. I'm not surprised your board slowed down.

    Lol yeah, that is time consuming! Are you a June '11 mom too? Your DD seems really close in age to my DS. 

    Yeah, but I joined a bit late and haven't posted there in a while. It was/is a nice group.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
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