Cloth Diapering

DIY Hybrid Dipes

I'm trying to figure out a hybrid system for when we're on vacation next month.  We do cloth at home-- but I don't have a good way to wash the dipes while we're gone-- and I hate sposies.

I have several covers that can form the base of my hybrid system:  Thirsties, Thirsties Duo, and Bummis.  Does anyone have experience to recommend a disposable insert to go with any of those covers?  Would a particular brand of insert work best with a particular cover?

 Also, I've never used a disposable insert, but they look A LOT like maxi pads.  Seriously, is there any good reason why I couldn't just take along the big box of post-partum pads that are hanging out in my bathroom closet...?

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Re: DIY Hybrid Dipes

  • I have no experience with disposable inserts, so I'm no help there, but google search the "flats challenge".

    There's really great information on handwashing flat diapers. You could use the flats padfolded as the insert for your diaper. Thats what we do when we have no washer/dryer on vacation.

    As for your question, I would be incredibly hesitant to do so.

    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • imagemargaretkaye1:
    I feel like we're being Punked.

    The thought had crossed my mind,

    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
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