Baby Names

Name stereotypes from 1980s baby name book

OK, so I have a baby name book from the mid-80's (I got it at the grocery store for help with naming my dolls, ha!). I found it in a box in my parents' house recently, and it's a surprisingly entertaining read! I took pictures of my favorite page to share with you all. Who doesn't appreciate a good stereotype?

My personal favorite is Barbara, but there are lots of other WTFs on there too. Oh, and ignore the markings on the page. I guess I took my pencil to it when I was little, haha.




Re: Name stereotypes from 1980s baby name book

  • Wow, some of those are really offensive.

    Why am I not surprised he stereotypes his own name as "diligent and intelligent"?

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  • Yeahhh.  This is the kind of "research" that makes you bang your head on a wall when you hear it in the news that somebody paid for it lol.  Of the people I know with those names, my perceptions of them are about 180 degrees opposite.

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  • Haha, I didn't even notice how he describes his own name.

    I think it's funny how oddly specific some of these are. Like, Stacey is "brisk but sexless." What? Maybe this page was Christopher's passive aggressive way of taking a dig at certain people in his life. A brother Joseph maybe? ;-)

  • hilarious that the 2 names circled in the first picture are my first and middle name!   And my sister's name is Stacey so I'm sure she will be overjoyed to know her name means brisk but sexless.  haha!!


    Lisa cracked me up...  very frail, well liked.

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  • Sissified? Is that even a real word?! LOL!
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  • Hahaha!  This is hilarious.  Now I want to find vintage baby name books.
    My little guy!  Everett Richard born 9/3/13

  • ROFL. My grandma's name is Barbara, and that description is so NOT her lol. Not that she's not successful, but she's definitely not fat or forceful!

    Also my name isn't so bad. I can work with that!

    Lastly, why these names? Some are popular at that time but Harvey? Patricia? Random assortment of names..


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  • Oh thats just great. Im average in all counts while my husband is a winner. Lmao

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  • That's hilarious! My favorite is David- "Not quite as terrific as Dave but still an undeniable winner." What???

    Thanks for sharing!

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  • imageZimger:
    Sissified? Is that even a real word?! LOL!

    I thought the robin=sissified was great!!! too funny. Who came up with this list?

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  • That is awesome. 

    Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who bought baby name books for the purpose of naming dolls. Wink 

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  • This is so weird.  Why is there so much about sexy?  I mean, unless the stereotype is "sounds super stripperesque and people will want to put dollar bills in her underpants" than I don't understand why sexy is being mentioned.  Is that supposed to be a good or bad thing?  I mean, adults might want to be sexy.  But I am not picking my child's name because it sounds sexy. 

    I'll have to look at the stereotype page from my old name book.  I bought it when I was 15 because it's the only one I've ever seen that had my name in it.  But now I know most of the meanings etc. are complete crap.

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  • Poor patricia...she's just plain.
  • imageaustenreader85:

    This is so weird.  Why is there so much about sexy?  I mean, unless the stereotype is "sounds super stripperesque and people will want to put dollar bills in her underpants" than I don't understand why sexy is being mentioned.  Is that supposed to be a good or bad thing?  I mean, adults might want to be sexy.  But I am not picking my child's name because it sounds sexy. 

    I'll have to look at the stereotype page from my old name book.  I bought it when I was 15 because it's the only one I've ever seen that had my name in it.  But now I know most of the meanings etc. are complete crap.

    this was also my reaction.  apparently all that matters about a woman's name is the level of sexiness that can be attributed to it. :P

  • According to this, my sons are "intelligent, earnest but dull" and "dishonest".  LOL.
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  • Hmm, my husband is virile and I'm sexless. Awesome. Oh and my daughter is seductive. She must take after him.

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