
Wonder Weeks

Anyone read the book Wonder Weeks. It's about developmental stages that babies go through and how their world gets shook up during these weeks. 

 I'm not sure if my LO is going through a wonder week - they say that one happens between 7-9 weeks and I'm not sure if that is actual age or adjusted age but my LO seems A LOT more fussier than normal .... and not just during 'witching' hours but all day. I thought it might be gas... but he has drops. I thought it was because he hadn't pooped in a few days but then he pooped. He was fine for a few hours but then got fussy again. 

 These days are so hard because you feel like a failure as a mother .... when nothing you do makes them happy :( 

 I'm hoping he will be fine in a day or two.  

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Re: Wonder Weeks

  • Also-- check the baby's toes (and in boys their special part) to make sure hair isn't wrapped around. 

    Julia was uncharacteristically fussy for a few days. upon REALLY close inspection of her toes, this was likely the cause.  The hair was wrapped around so tightly that we had to take her to urgent care to make sure there wasn't any left imbedded in her toes. It was difficult to spot because it was blond hair and her toes didn't change colors from it.  The urgent care doc had to make tiny incisions in the offending toes to make sure all the hair bands were broken.  It's common enough that the medical computer system has a code for it -- hair ligature of the toe.

    DD#1, Alexa, Born 8/08; TTC # 2 since 3/2010; 8 IUI BFN; 1 cervical pregnancy in April 2011; IVF #1 Dec 2011 worked. EDD = 9/7/12. Bedrest starting 6/4/12. Julia Mae born 7/1/12, home 8/12/12. Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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