
Sleep training twins- HELP!

Hey everyone! I would love some advice from twin mamas out there. My girls are 7 months old and have been waking up on average 3 times a night (each). they used to be better (only once a night) but it has just gotten unbearable. Each time they wake up they want to eat and usually finish a 4 oz bottle. once they eat most of the time they go back to sleep without a problem. 

I think that by 7 months they should be having at least an 8 to 10 hour stretch at night. Am I wrong for thinking this? Has eating become routine or is it a necessity? I am taking all advice on aleep training that has worked for other parents. Everyone IRL swears by Babywise but I dont know any MOMs that have used it. What has been your experience?

Should I let them CIO at night or continue feeding them? 

The more frequent wakeups have been happening for a little over a month so I dont think it's a growth spurt. 

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Re: Sleep training twins- HELP!

  • Hi! Mine started sleeping through the night at 4 months. I didn't do any training but they ate more than 4 ounces to me that is where you have to start. Mine got 8 oz and 7 oz bottles at 8 pm and I don't hear from them till 6 am. Their feedings are 6 am, 12, 4pm, and 8 pm. There was no training it sounds to me that they need bigger bottles, but I'm not sure of your kids sizes. I have tall kids. Also give them rice cereal at last feeding since yours are 7 months old they should be on that, no? That will fill their tummies for a nice stretch. GL!

    Ps yes don't run to them 3 times a night let them cry for 15 minutes.
  • I haven't heard good things about Babywise, but I haven't read the book or tried it.

    How much/how often do your girls eat during the day? By 7 months we were down to 1 nighttime feeding, but they were also taking 3 large bottles during the day (usually ~6 ounces).  We adjusted their nighttime schedule by feeding them more during the day, both of formula and solids. 

    We did CIO around 8 months because it was tough to get them down at night.  It worked really well for us and not only took care of getting them down initially easily, but also eliminated the extra wake-ups at night and made it so they just woke up once to eat.  At their 9 month appointment we asked about sleep and eating at night and the pediatrician said they didn't need to eat at night anymore and to try to get them to take closer to 7 ounces at each daytime bottle and then when they woke up at night to try giving them water to help break the habit of them getting the calories.  We tried that and they were MAD!  A few sips of water and they would scream and scream and scream.  So for a couple of nights we gave them diluted formula and only offered 2 ounces and then one night (I think about 5 nights in) they both just didn't wake up anymore.  Now they go to sleep around 7:30 and get up around 6:30.  If they wake up in the middle of the night (or too early in the morning) we just don't go in.  We let them cry and usually within 5 minutes they're back out.  The hardest part of sleep training for me has been training myself not to immediately react to every whimper they make (though I do go in when I hear the inconsolable cry).

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  • Were your twins premature and are they gaining weight well? If they were not terribly early and they are of sufficient weight they really don't need to eat at night. They will adjust and eat what they need to during the day if you stop feeding them at night.  

    There are lots of methods of getting babies to sleep through the night from full on cry it out to going in and reassuring the babies, to staying with them but not feeding them - it all depends on what you are comfortable with. I think most of the major theories work if you are consistent and realize some children go along with it fast than others.

    Just do some google research about sleep training and see what fits you best, then make a plan to follow whatever you decide to do to the letter, no backing out or giving in and they'll be sleeping soon and you'll feel soooooo much better. 

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  • imageReilly626:
    Ps yes don't run to them 3 times a night let them cry for 15 minutes.

    I disagree with this in the fact that your children are waking up becasue they are hungry. CIO is not going to work. But do agree with more food during waking hours I suggest that you try getting more food into them during the day Meaning going less in between feedings. You might have to go a bit backwards to go forwards.

     When my twins & DS #1 were 2-4 months we had 6 feedings during the day time+ 1 dream feed. we would go 2.5hrs between feedings & I woke them a lot. However there is light now as they take 5 feeding & sleep from 8pm-6am straight. T

    Some moms get good sleepers & some have to be schedule nazi (DH's nickname for me somedays)  

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  • Sounds like a growth spurt to me. Up their food and milk intake during the day and see if that helps. Ours are 17 months and they get a sippy of milk before bed to make sure they are good and filled up :)
  • Ours did not STTN until 9.5 months.  Then they did it on their own.  12 hours.

    At 2 years 4 months they still sleep a solid 11-12 hours each night with no issues.  I don't believe in sleep training for my kids.  They were starving and they finally STTN when they were ready.

    Hang in there.  It's rough but you'll get past it.

    Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image
  • Just curious, how do you know when they wake up that they are hungry? Our guys often wake up a few times before their regular nighttime feeding, but we give them a paci and they go back to sleep. We feel that at their age (4 months adjusted, almost 5 months by birth day) they can go at least 6-7 hours at night without eating. They've slowly dropped the habit, and last night they slept straight through until their night feeding at 2 am, which was major progress. My guess is that if they keep waking up and being fed, they won't ever want to drop the habit. It seems that at this age they would be physically able to maybe even go all night without eating. 

    I guess if it were me I would try to progressively drop it down to at least one night feeding until at some point soon you are not feeding overnight at all. That said CIO would probably be okay too--I think it all depends on your parenting style and only you can ultimately decide that. :) 

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  • imageE&RMommy:

    Ours did not STTN until 9.5 months.  Then they did it on their own.  12 hours.

    At 2 years 4 months they still sleep a solid 11-12 hours each night with no issues.  I don't believe in sleep training for my kids.  They were starving and they finally STTN when they were ready.

    Hang in there.  It's rough but you'll get past it.

    This for our singleton, except it took him until 13-14 mos. to drop his MOTN nursing session and STTN (partially b/c I was working and think he was reverse cycling for several months).

    BFP #1 10/27/2009 ~ DS1 ~ BIRTHday 7/16/2010 ~ med-free Bradley birth @ 40w5d
    BFP #2 1/22/2012 ~ DS2 & DD ~ BIRTHday 9/13/2012 ~ unplanned C-section @ 38w1d
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