DS is William Bair (family name). We call him Will. Which name would you pick as a potential name for his little brother? Middle name will either be Michael or Richard (both family names). Last name is Irish and starts with "Mc":
Nathan (Nate)
Re: Name Will's brother
P/SAIF Welcome
Invisible Finish Line
3T's Traveling Ovary Blog
7DPO Progesterone: low. CD3 BW: normal, HSG: clear
DX: severe MFI (low all 3) and low T. Undergoing replacement therapy.
They're both great names! You really can't go wrong.
Mr. & Mrs. - Est. 10.03.2009
TTC #1 since 06.2011 Me-24 DH-24
12.2011 SA = Normal
06.2012 First visit with OB/GYN
10.2012 Clomid 50mg + TI = BFN
11.2012 Clomid 50mg + TI = BFN
12.2012 Clomid 100mg + TI = BFN
01.2013 First visit with RE
02.2013 Clomid 150mg + TI = BFN
03.2013 Femara 5mg + TI = BFN
05.2013 Femara 5mg + TI = BFN
06.2013 Femara 7.5mg + TI = BFN
*Taking a break*
TTGP March Siggy Challenge
Anna Catherine 7/23/2012, 35 weeks 5 days, 5 lbs 5 oz (PProm)
Baby Sam 10/4/2013, 36 weeks 2 days, 5 lbs 14 oz
I know two Wills.
One has brother Ben and sister Cate. (All in HS now.)
The other has brothers Ben and Nate, and sister Emma. (All in grade school.)
I prefer Nolan, but I think Nathan pairs better with William. That being said, if it were Nathaniel instead of Nathan, that would get my vote both for "love" and "best sibset."