
The Vasectomy...

We're one and done. For the first few months after this decision I was reluctant to ask him about getting a vasectomy because what if we changed our mind? But I've since become certain that I can not parent 2 kids. Hats off to y'all with more than one. Kids be hard, yo! 

Anywho... we were watching a re-run of Modern Family (when Phil almost gets snipped) and I casually asked DH what he thinks about getting it done. He responded to me not 5 mins later with price quotes from multiple places. 

Who's DH has had one? Are you afraid it's not gonna "stick"? Do you use other BC? I'm almost ready to get on BC (we currently just use condoms) because I'm so scared of getting KTFU after the V. DH says he's not getting it done if he still has to wear condoms, which is a justified stance.  

Input? Anyone?  

SEAHAWKS! And... Macklemore. Seattle's WINNING! 

Re: The Vasectomy...

  • Roflmfao, I'm probably the WRONG person you want to hear from. Dh had his vasectomy after K was born, she was a few weeks old. Have you seen my siggy? So nearly three years ago (this coming feb) dh asks me why I'm acting nuts, like over the top pms cranky bitchy and hormonal, and lightbulb goes off and says, omg, are you pregnant? I was at work, and didn't think it was funny. Especially because he got all clear, more than once. 

    Nope, he was right (boy, he knows me). KTFU. His urologist says it does happen, not common, not unheard of either. DH had what's called recanalization. His vas deferens grew back, in kind of a y shape. So DH had it done again, this time not just cauterized, but extra long snip and silk sutured as well.

    If he does it, get Essure as well. But I'm paranoid like hat. 

    Oh yeah, see S? She snuck through, little monkey. 

  • Oh my damn. I can't see your siggy on mobile but I'm picking up what you're putting down.

    SEAHAWKS! And... Macklemore. Seattle's WINNING! 
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  • Awww, sorry you're feeling this way.  We are for sure done after this kid, but I (we both) have a hard time pulling the trigger on the final closing of the door.  We do have friends that did that, and it was fine for them though!  Relatively easy too.  Just make sure that you have DH go back & give his, ehrm, re-check appointment.  From the research I've done, that's the most common failure problem - guys don't know it wasn't 100% successful & see gimme's answer for how that works out.  LAWL!
  • We're one and done too but I can imagine DH getting it and I wanting another child. We're probably going to wait a few years.
  • My hubby had it when Dylan was about 8-9 mo.  I guess we really didn't care if we had a 4th because we didn't use BC after #3 - before or after the V.  I think DH secretly hopes it will fail from comments he has made, but if it happens, we will deal with it then. 
  • My husband is planning on having one this spring, after #3 arrives. Honestly, I wouldn't be devastated if it failed, so we don't plan on using any sort of backup. I always wanted a huge family but for various reasons we need to stop at 3, so if an ooops happened I would be pretty happy actually. I'm sure because I'm somewhat open to it we won't be the ones it happens to lol!
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  • DH is going to get one after we have #2 - so I am watching this thread.



    image  image

  • DH had it done in June - there was no question, he just said he'd have it done.

    We don't use any other BC now, but I stayed on the pill for several months afterwards. 

    No complaints for us.


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  • DH had it done before DS2 was born.  He went back for the tests and got the all clear.  I'm still sort of paranoid, but I'm also about to turn 40 so my chances of getting pregnant are going down.  My brother had to retest three times after having it done, so the follow up tests are vital.  
  • Oh and it wasn't that bad.  My brother went for a run the next day.
  • DH is getting one before this one is born.  Considering I got pregnant on birth control with theis one and while exclusivly breastfeeding every 3 hours without my first pp period with the last I am a little worried since we seem to have been blessed with hyper fertility!
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  • My DH had his done 6 weeks before Oliver is born.  No, I don't use other birth control and I'm not afraid I'll get KTFU.  Just make sure he goes back to have his semen checked for sperm when he is supposed to and you'll be fine.  You'll have to use back up for a little while after the snip.  They have to have X number of ejacualtions before the sperm are all gone.
     Lilypie - (gu1R)
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  • imageSoDoMojo:
    Oh my damn. I can't see your siggy on mobile but I'm picking up what you're putting down.
    Yep. I know 3 couples this happened to, but I wouldn't panic. One was my aunt's bff that had this happen 20 years ago. My aunt rolled her eyes at me and said, yeah, I knew it was possible, she'd heard of it reattaching before. Two other couples have been to the same doctor as dh.

    I'd just recommend that your h do more than just the cauterization, that's the procedure with the higher failure rate than the old style cut, cauterize and stitch. The recovery was okay for him both times, pretty much okay after a weekend. Just really sore. And yes, both times he did all his checks, was cleared and blowing dust.

    If it happened again, I'd do the vasectomy myself.

  • DH is going to get it done but I have Paragard as a backup.  The failure rate for the V is higher than you would think, and I am not gonna go there!  We are very much done. 
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  • DH had his vasectomy in September. I am not worried about there being any issues with it or that it won't 'stick'. It's incredibly rare that that happens, most post vasectomy pregnancies occur because proper precautions weren't taken directly after the surgery (the first three months) not ongoing from there. DH and I are looking forward for his going in for his two tests in early and mid January and getting rid of the condoms!

    If you are that worried about the possibility of the vasectomy not sticking, it might be a good idea for you to either use the pill or possibly get an IUD. I have an issue with men who won't get snipped once the decision is made not to have more kids, but I sure do think he has a point that if you're going to still be using condoms, he shouldn't have to go through the procedure. 

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  • Thanks everybody! I think we're going to make the plan to have it done. I need to go in for an annual anyway so I'm probably going to get the pill for a year or so just for added protection. I've never been to good at taking the pill ON TIME. But I think between the V and BC no babies will be coming our way. 

    SEAHAWKS! And... Macklemore. Seattle's WINNING! 
  • My DH had his V done three weeks ago. He was not expecting it to hurt as much as it did. At about 5 days post, he told me he regretted having it done, but he's totally fine now. His Dr. tied and cauterized.
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