I have been googling this and can't find the right answer. I know you can't give a baby reheated formula an hour after they fed from the bottle. My question is, if I heat up a bottle and the baby falls asleep before I give them any, is that formula ok to use later? It did not come in contact with the baby at all but was cold, then heated. Can I put it back in the fridge and heat it again later?
4/08 BFP resulted in m/c
8/08 BFP resulted in m/c
3/09 Polyp removed and dx MTHFR (both copies)
6 Clomid cycles, all BFN
5/09 IUI#1 with Clomid=BFN
6/09 IUI#2 with Clomid=BFN
8/09 IUI#3 with Clomid=BFN
IVF#3 ET 2 Grade A blasts 11/16/11
Beta #1: 485
Beta #2: 2,495

Re: Formula question
8/08 BFP resulted in m/c
3/09 Polyp removed and dx MTHFR (both copies)
6 Clomid cycles, all BFN
5/09 IUI#1 with Clomid=BFN
6/09 IUI#2 with Clomid=BFN
8/09 IUI#3 with Clomid=BFN
IVF#3 ET 2 Grade A blasts 11/16/11
Beta #1: 485
Beta #2: 2,495
Ive called them to! I asked about keeping bottles in the fridge for more than 24 hours ..... she said it doesnt spoil at 24 hours .... it just starts to break down!