If you take the time to read it, I think it most acuately explains the way most people who are advocating for gun control feel. We are not 'take all guns away, no guns ever!', but that the type and amount accessible to a regular citizen needs to be massively overhauled.
Re: Don't know if anyone has seen this article
This is a well written article as well. It's from the Wall Street Journal. It was in print yesterday.
Something on my mind and don't want to start another post on it...does anyone think it is bizarre that nobody can locate a picture of Adam Lanza beyond the age of 13? To me, that says alot about the family dynamic.
Also, mom was trying to "commit" her son. Speculation is that she did volunteer at the school in some capacity, was friends with the principal and school psychologist-perhaps, mama loved the kids at the school more than she loved her own son. At least in the eyes of Adam.
....makes sense.
he destroyed the computers in his mom's house....if they were digital that's where they would be.
if we are tossing theories around, I prefer to think that killing his mother while she slept was a mercy killing in his mind.....
He shot her while she slept. I can understand mercy killing if those were the only details that I knew.
What freaks me out is that he shot her four times, in the face. He beyond hated his mother. He was focused on having control and he did.
He wanted to kill without any opposition and that's why he chose the elementary school. He knew he could do the most damage there in the shortest amount of time without encountering any resistance.
i hadnt read that she had tried to commit him. if that is true it makes me so angry/sad. there was a case here years ago where a teenager killed a little boy who was selling things door to door. the teenager was seriously disturbed. he had been in trouble but only minor things. his parents had literally tried so many things to get him help and could see that he had a violent side. there is actual footage of them in a courtroom, before a judge, begging that judge to commit him against his will (event hough he was under 18 he couldnt be committed by his parents long term - i think more than a few days). they literally told the judge they were fearful of what their son might do. the judge denied their request, a little boy was murdered and now their teen is in prison for life. it's sad and so frustrating. i work with the mentally ill and there are not just not enough services and there are no appropriate services for people that disturbed. it is impossible to commit someone against their will for more than a few days unless they have already committed a crime.... so if their first crime is murder... well...