I had to put DS in disposables for a few days because of ammonia problems. During that time I discovered that he was sleeping through the night. I assume this is because he couldn't feel the wetness. We currently only CD with prefolds. What are your recommendations for the best overnight diapers to mimic the way he feels in the disposables. I became quickly addicted to 6 hours of straight sleep and want more. Please and thank you!
Re: Overnight Recommendations
I like using a fitted (S'bish Sloomb) and Thirsties Duo Wrap, but some people prefer wool. I use a fleece liner for a staydry feel.
I wasn't doing anything different for nighttime. He was up eating every 34 hours. Truthfully, I didn't know I needed to diaper differently at night at such a young age.
How do use the fleece liner? How would I prep what I buy from Joann's and what size do I make the liner? I was also going to try my hand at making a wool cover.