
It's official - we're done *sigh*

We decided today that it will be only two kids for us. It is the best decision for us but I am just sad that I will never be pregnant again, never have a newborn again and that with every milestone my youngest takes, it will be the last time I see it. 

Now I'm sad.

Re: It's official - we're done *sigh*

  • Then again you'll never be as sleep deprived as you are now ever again. :-)

    ?I understand, I've just decided DS is an only child. But just remember - happy sleeping! Happy dinners out years sooner! Happy time to yourself!


  • I feel like we're on the brink of making that decision and it makes me feel sad and liberated at the same time.  It's definitely bittersweet.  (((Hugs)))
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  • now i am sad for you too!  Huh?

    my DH and i are also 99% sure that we are done.  i wish that i would have thought of this earlier because i would have tried to payed more attention to those milestones.

    i would love to be pregnant me that is the saddest part of the decision.

  • I'm pretty sure this is our last too.  I'm a little sad about not having a baby again, but I'm not sad at all about not being pg again!!!

    Just make sure you enjoy every last moment of the baby stages!

  • We are done also and with the vasectomy all done, I have days where I am very sad about never being pregnant again.  But, I know I can only handle the two I have.
  • Ditto Sumner.

    I think I might die if I had to be pregnant again. Ugh. Hate it.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I'm in the same boat.  Had my tubes tied and everything.  I KNOW we can't have anymore, and honestly I dont' want anymore, but its so hard to watch DD get bigger.  It was exciting with DS to watch him change, knowing I'd have the chance to do it all again, but now with DD, ever milestone she hits is so bittersweet.  She's getting too big too fast!  Friends with older kids keep telling me that once she's a toddler and sleeping well and through the most difficult stanges of toddler-hood, you realize how liberating it is too :)  I can't believe it but maybe when I get there
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