Cloth Diapering

Favorite Series?

Okay, I'm sitting around waiting for MIL to arrive from IN and I'm SO bored. House was cleaned and baby is sleeping. So lets do another GTKY for my entertainment :)


Whats your favorite show series?

At the moment I am re-watching Lost. Also Dexter for the first time. I'm having a hard time getting into it, but I really want to like it.  Z and I LOVE the Office. Its our all time fav!

We have Netflix and I've watched all Greys, Parenthood, Friday Night Lights, The Tudors.  (I was in nursing school with no cable, so I watched a lot of Netflix!) I've also watched every season of SVU about a million times. But who hasn't?!

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Re: Favorite Series?

  • Dexter!  If you can get past the first season, you might like it better.  I was hooked from the start, but I hear that a lot of people think it gets way better after the first. 
    Began TTC #1 in January 2011
    Confirmation and Removal of Endo - March 2012
    +#1 on 4/1/12 - m/c @ ~8w 5d
    +#2 Tx cycle 4 - 5 mg Letrozole + 75iu Follsitim & Ovidrel w/ IUI on 11/13/12 - EDD 7/23/13 
    7 week u/s revealed THREE babies, all with heartbeats.  153bpm, 148bpm, and 136bpm
    9 week u/s revealed loss of Baby B.  A and C are growing on track.  A measuring 9w1d with 172bpm and C measuring 9w0d with 179 bpm.  
    Elective sex determination u/s on 2/8 revealed... boy AND girl!
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  • Sex and the City, Seinfeld, Friends, Frasier, Curb Your Enthusiasm.  I loved Dexter, but only up until the fourth season.  I also have a secret love for Unsolved Mysteries, lol. 

    I still need to watch the Office.  Everyone tells me it's awesome.  I also keep hearing about Downton Abbey.  The premise doesn't really appeal to me, but it gets such rave reviews that I might just have to watch it.

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  • imagestoneycakes:

    Sex and the City, Seinfeld, Friends, Frasier, Curb Your Enthusiasm.  I loved Dexter, but only up until the fourth season.  I also have a secret love for Unsolved Mysteries, lol. 

    OMG this season was kind of awesome!

    Began TTC #1 in January 2011
    Confirmation and Removal of Endo - March 2012
    +#1 on 4/1/12 - m/c @ ~8w 5d
    +#2 Tx cycle 4 - 5 mg Letrozole + 75iu Follsitim & Ovidrel w/ IUI on 11/13/12 - EDD 7/23/13 
    7 week u/s revealed THREE babies, all with heartbeats.  153bpm, 148bpm, and 136bpm
    9 week u/s revealed loss of Baby B.  A and C are growing on track.  A measuring 9w1d with 172bpm and C measuring 9w0d with 179 bpm.  
    Elective sex determination u/s on 2/8 revealed... boy AND girl!
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  • The Walking Dead!  I'm not even a "zombie" person, but that's an awesome show!

    I love Dexter too... but I have to watch it in a weekend, can't wait a week between episodes!


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagetjkdlhb:

    The Walking Dead!  I'm not even a "zombie" person, but that's an awesome show!

    Oh yes, another great one!  My mom about flipped her lid when we talked about this program the other week. She was all weirded out that I liked something about Zombies.  

    Began TTC #1 in January 2011
    Confirmation and Removal of Endo - March 2012
    +#1 on 4/1/12 - m/c @ ~8w 5d
    +#2 Tx cycle 4 - 5 mg Letrozole + 75iu Follsitim & Ovidrel w/ IUI on 11/13/12 - EDD 7/23/13 
    7 week u/s revealed THREE babies, all with heartbeats.  153bpm, 148bpm, and 136bpm
    9 week u/s revealed loss of Baby B.  A and C are growing on track.  A measuring 9w1d with 172bpm and C measuring 9w0d with 179 bpm.  
    Elective sex determination u/s on 2/8 revealed... boy AND girl!
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
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  • imagemegemoney:

    Sex and the City, Seinfeld, Friends, Frasier, Curb Your Enthusiasm.  I loved Dexter, but only up until the fourth season.  I also have a secret love for Unsolved Mysteries, lol. 

    OMG this season was kind of awesome!

    Okay, maybe I'll give it another chance.  I hated the fifth season, though.

  • imagemegemoney:

    The Walking Dead!  I'm not even a "zombie" person, but that's an awesome show!

    Oh yes, another great one!  My mom about flipped her lid when we talked about this program the other week. She was all weirded out that I liked something about Zombies.  

    I hear so much about the Walking Dead!! Wonder if its on Netflix? I like to sit down and watch series all at once.
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  • Doctor Who! Particularly the tenth incarnation! Yes

    And we like Sherlock.

    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • imageJHough578:

    The Walking Dead!  I'm not even a "zombie" person, but that's an awesome show!

    Oh yes, another great one!  My mom about flipped her lid when we talked about this program the other week. She was all weirded out that I liked something about Zombies.  

    I hear so much about the Walking Dead!! Wonder if its on Netflix? I like to sit down and watch series all at once.

    I'm almost positive it's on netflix! Watch it. It's awesome.  Although I'm not really sure how I feel about the newest season.  It has much more gratuitous gore, which actually makes it less scary.

  • The Office, Big Bang Theory, HIMYM, Masterchef.
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  • Yup it's on Netflix... My MIL watched it on there...


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageInto+the+Kitty:

    Doctor Who! Particularly the tenth incarnation! Yes

    And we like Sherlock.

    Love Doctor Who and the 11th Doctor is definitely growing on me.  I can't wait till the Christmas Special!

    I liked Walking Dead but lost interest in the 2nd half of last season.  Basically the whole pregnancy thing made me loose interest. (I hope that wasn't a spoiler) :/

    I also got into Falling Skies the summer before DD was born.  I missed all of last season because I don't get much tv time anymore but it was just added on Netflix so I hope I can catch up. 

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  • I'm late to the party, but I loved Numb3rs and Bones. Sherlock and dexter are also very fun!
    TTC Since 3/2010
    Me-36, Unexplained Infertility, DH-35, all clear
    Clomid 50mg 12/2011 = BFN
    Clomid 100mg 1/2012 = BFN, with Cyst
    IVF #1 Lupron/Menopur/Gonal-f/HCG Trigger
    ER 4/19/12 = 11 retrieved, 6 fertilized,
    ET 4/22/12 = 2 transfered (day 3), remaining 3 weren't good enough to freeze
    Beta 5/3 = BFP, 87 Beta #2 5/7 560.9 Beta #3 5/9 1376.5 First u/s One Baby, 125bpm!
    Second u/s, 176bmp! Kicked over to the OB by the RE at 8w. Team Green!! 
    Baby girl J arrived two weeks early! Born into water, med-free. Hooray for Team Pink!

    TTC #2 - back to the RE, treatment started 12/2014. 

  • I love Bones, Sherlock, Once Upon a Time, Dr Who, Big Bang Theory, Castle, Arrow, New Girl, Elementary.

    Yikes DH and I watch too much TV lol. And he watches more than I do!
    Diagonsed PCOS TTC since May 2009
    First M/C December 2010 Second M/C August 2011
    Oct 2011~Second round clomid 50 mg; BFN
    Nov 2011~Third round clomid 50 mg: BFP
    Dec 11- Beta #1 91;Dec 13- Beta #2 186.2
    Dec 27- third miscarriage
    May 25th- Beta #1 369;May 27th- Beta #2 798
    Baby girl born Jan 23, 9lbs 3oz, 21 1/2" long
    May 27th-Beta #1 80; May 29th- Beta #2 304; May 31st- Beta #3 860
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    BabyFruit Ticker
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Bones, Criminal Minds, Parenthood, Private Practice, The Good Wife, and Rookie Blue!!
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image imageimageimage

  • Mad Men is my current favorite, along with Portlandia and Modern Family.

    I also liked Arrested Development and Weeds (before it got completely crazy - maybe through season 3?).

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageAurora_Borealis:

    Mad Men is my current favorite, along with Portlandia and Modern Family.

    I also liked Arrested Development and Weeds (before it got completely crazy - maybe through season 3?).

    Oh boy, I love Arrested Development (as you could probably guess). And Futurama!

    Are any of you other Once Upon a Time fans a little bit disappointed with this season? Last year I couldn't wait for new episodes, and this year it's just a little bit blah.

    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • imagemargaretkaye1:
    I will forever love House. It's the only series I have bought and kept. I love the USA shows, but since we only have Hulu and Netflix Ive missed this season : I still watch old episodes of psych constantly. Also monk, but that ended. I also got sucked in to Vampire Diaries. I can't get enough Ian Somerhalder, although the plot lately is annoying me. And I will confess I'm addicted to Teen Mom and I'm super PO'd that this season of Teen Mom 2 isn't on Hulu right now.

    Teen Mom is my guilty pleasure! We only have Hulu and Netflix too.

    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • Currently: The Good Wife, HIMYM, Criminal Minds, Dateline, 48 Hours Mystery & Parenthood

    Past: FNL, Entourage & Rescue Me 


  • imagemargaretkaye1:

    I will forever love House. It's the only series I have bought and kept. I love the USA shows, but since we only have Hulu and Netflix Ive missed this season : I still watch old episodes of psych constantly. Also monk, but that ended. I also got sucked in to Vampire Diaries. I can't get enough Ian Somerhalder, although the plot lately is annoying me. And I will confess I'm addicted to Teen Mom and I'm super PO'd that this season of Teen Mom 2 isn't on Hulu right now.

    Teen Mom is my guilty pleasure! We only have Hulu and Netflix too.

    why aren't they showing it?? They did the season a couple months ago. It's on but all the episodes are unavailable :/ 

    I don't know... Hulu has frequently pulled MTV shows, or a lot of them have expiration dates. I know too that the last season of Teen Mom they were airing the episodes a month or so after the cable air date. I'm guessing that they will eventually put it up.

    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • imageInto+the+Kitty:

    I will forever love House. It's the only series I have bought and kept.
    I love the USA shows, but since we only have Hulu and Netflix Ive missed this season : I still watch old episodes of psych constantly. Also monk, but that ended.
    I also got sucked in to Vampire Diaries. I can't get enough Ian Somerhalder, although the plot lately is annoying me.
    And I will confess I'm addicted to Teen Mom and I'm super PO'd that this season of Teen Mom 2 isn't on Hulu right now.

    Teen Mom is my guilty pleasure! We only have Hulu and Netflix too.

    Oh my gosh I could do a whole other post on guilty pleasure shows! Z just shakes his head going through the DVR!
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  • imageJHough578:

    I will forever love House. It's the only series I have bought and kept. I love the USA shows, but since we only have Hulu and Netflix Ive missed this season : I still watch old episodes of psych constantly. Also monk, but that ended. I also got sucked in to Vampire Diaries. I can't get enough Ian Somerhalder, although the plot lately is annoying me. And I will confess I'm addicted to Teen Mom and I'm super PO'd that this season of Teen Mom 2 isn't on Hulu right now.

    Teen Mom is my guilty pleasure! We only have Hulu and Netflix too.

    Oh my gosh I could do a whole other post on guilty pleasure shows! Z just shakes his head going through the DVR!

    Haha, there are definitely shows that I feel silly when J comes home during the day and catches me watching. He's perfected the side eye and subtle disapproval... he must have learned from the best.

    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • On tv: Criminal Minds, Big Bang Theory 

    On Netflix: Supernatural, Roswell, Star Trek TNG, Firefly and Doctor Who 

     I am an unapologetic syfy nerd. :D  

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Guilty pleasures.. Degrassi, Teen Mom and 2.

    Big Bang Theory, The Walking Dead, Ink Master competition, 2 and a Half Men, Breaking Bad.

    Breaking Bad is a fantastic show. Highly rated and on Netflix too.
    DD 4/3/04 & #2 EDD April 21, 2013 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Since you have Netflix I recommend watching Sliders....LOVED that show!
  • My favorites: Arrested Development, Dr Who (I will never look at angels the same again), Modern Family, Castle, Burn Notice, Walking Dead, Dexter

    Guilty Pleasures: True Blood, Buffy, Bones, Red Dwarf, Archer

    I would say that I watch way too much TV, but that's all I really watch now.  It's a lot easier to sit down for 30-50 minutes and watch an episode than sit down to watch a movie.  And if I pick up a book I know I'll just keep reading it until I pass out.

  • imageGismo123:
    Since you have Netflix I recommend watching Sliders....LOVED that show!

    Another great one! :)

    I also, on occasion, get a wild urge to watch reruns of  X-files.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My all time fav for a long time has been Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  A little cheesy I know, but I love it.  Other more recent favs: Parenthood, Brothers & Sisters, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Burn Notice, White Collar, In Plain Sight, NCIS (though I need to start this on netflix and watch all the way through), Nikita, Grimm, Once Upon a Time, Elementary, Hart of Dixie, Revenge, Lie to Me, Vampire Diaries.  Gosh, I watch (or have) a lot of tv. :P  I think I'm going to start Supernatural when I'm on maternity leave.  
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  • I guess I'm a total nerd, but I love BritComs with a passion. (The Bucket residence...the lady of the house speaking!) I also love Firefly, Castle, and the Graham Norton Show.


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